

What is a water hyacinth?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: What is a water hyacinth?
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What is the scientific name of the water hyacinth?

The scientific name of water hyacinth is Eichhornia crassipes.

Does a water hyacinth float?

Yes, the water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, floats.

Does water hyacinth have an edible relative?

Yes, the water hyacinth's edible relative is the water spinach, also known as kangkong in some regions. Water spinach is commonly eaten in many Asian countries and is known for its tender shoots and leaves that are used in cooking, especially in stir-fries and salads.

Where can you get a water hyacinth?

Water hyacinth is considered an invasive weed. No one should be selling it.

What does water hyacinth and sunflower need?

Both sunflower and water hyacinth need leaf

What is the phylum of a water hyacinth?

The phylum of a water hyacinth is Magnoliophyta, also known as angiosperms.

How do you spell the flower hyacinth?

The correct spelling for the flower is "hyacinth."

What eats water hyacinth?

Manatees or sea cows eat water hyacinth. In some areas man use it as cattle feed. Some people eat water hyacinth.

How is the roots of a water hyacinth useful?

whle why don't you find a water hyacinth some where and find out

Is water hyacinth a completely submerged plant?

The water hyacinth float on the surface, and are not attached to the bottom.

Is water hyacinth appropriate for making alcohol?

water hyacinth is a feasible source for alcohol production ethanol yield of water hyacinth is 0.296/kg dry mass bioethanol production using water hyacinth is already cited in the references nigam 2002 nigam 2001 and nigam 2000.

What is the calorific value of water hyacinth?

The calorific value of water hyacinth is approximately 17-19 MJ/kg.