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Q: What is a palindrome for a small narrow boat propelled by a double bladed paddle?
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What is a bistoury?

A bistoury is a narrow-bladed surgical knife.

What is a Narrow sword?

The Renaissance fencing sword was a narrowed bladed sword called a 'Rapier'.

What is a padsaw?

A padsaw is a type of narrow-bladed saw used especially for cutting curves.

What is a palindrome word of a small narrow watercraft?

It is a Kayak.

What is the name of a long and narrow racing boat propelled by oars?

Rowing Shell.

What is a narrow bladed cutting tool?

There are a number of things that could answer this question. A few answers are: Knife Scalpel Saw Razor

What does A2 width mean in a ladies shoe?

A2 width means a double narrow. A is a regular narrow A2 is double narrow and A3 is triple narrow. These are also just referred to as A, double A or triple A.

What is a long narrow boat called?

In rowing, a boat propelled by oars is normally called a shell. Based on how many people are using the boat, and eight has eight rowers, a four has four rowers with one oar each and a quad has four rowers with 2 oars each. A pair has two rowers with one oar each while a double has two rowers with two oars each. A single has one rower with two oars in it.

What type of transport is gondola?

A gondola is a type of water transport that uses a long, narrow boat propelled by a person standing at the rear. Gondolas are traditional to Venice, Italy, and are often used to navigate the city's canals.

How do you take lead pipe out from cast iron pipe?

I usually use a narrow bladed screwdriver like a chisel to dig it out. After you get it started, you can usually pull it out with pliers. It should only be about 3/8 of an inch thick. In many cases, the lead can be melted out.

Why narrow slits are taken in Young's double slit interference experiment?

Narrow slits in Young's double slit experiment create a coherent light source, leading to interference patterns. By ensuring the slits are narrow, the light passing through them acts as a coherent wavefront that produces clear interference fringes on the screen. This allows for the observation of the wave nature of light.

How did the maori cut Flax?

The Maori traditionally used a tool called a "muka" to cut flax leaves. This tool was made from a sharp, narrow-bladed stone or shell attached to a wooden handle. The Maori would carefully slice the flax leaves at an angle to extract the fibers for weaving and other purposes.