It's really hard to have sex. Getting wet is her natural lubricant. And you won't be able to comfortably or easily penetrate unless she's wet. Try a lot of foreplay before just jumping into sex. Or you can always use lube or your saliva
Yes. That is one way of women to masturbate. As I have had experience in this, you can get very wet when just thinking about what you are going to do to a person OR to yourself. But to answer your question, yes women can get very wet when thinking about sex :) XXX
She gets wet.
think of whatever turns you on, if the guy isn't an idiot though you wont have to worry about getting wet though
It prolly means that she busted or old r u anyway lol
you'll probably get an erection en your penis gets wet.
Feeling wet means when you have sex (oral sex).
Ejaculation occurs with a sexual climax during sex or masturbation or during so called "wet dreams"
you cant stop a wet dream... just dont watch porn before going to bed then you will not have sex on your mind. and if you wanna have a wet dream then u can imagine you and your ex having sex and then think bout it for a while and then when u fall asleep then you will have a wet dream! trust me i know..
what happens if you tuen on the phone and it is wet
If a motorcycle was covered wet, there is a chance it could rust. Always wipe the motorcycle dry before covering if possible.
if she has her period red or maybe it would be wet from the licking oh yeah baby i wanna join that
~* when you are wet then its time to sex *~ your vagina must want that penis ...........