In mathematics, an upside down A means "for all".
It means "turn upside down" as when a boat capsizes in the water.
A upside down rainbow means cheese or tacos
Answer it
I think you might mean "Bottle Neck". It's an expression which often describes the flow of traffic, where a wider road is condensed into a smaller one, slowing down the flow of vehicles. Think of a beer bottle to understand the expression: the body of the bottle is wider, whereas the neck of the bottle is much slimmer and smaller in diameter. If you tip the bottle upside down, liquid will only flow out as fast as the smallest part of the bottle will allow.
The Upside down T symbol indicates perpendicular lines.
pnworhd is an upside down pyramid. If you take pnworhd in script and turn in upside down you will get pyramid
It means un-polo if it's an upside down p with a small diamond next to it.
The upside down purple triangle was actually used to identify Jehovah's Witnessess
Anokatoprosopus means upside-down face (i.e. some aliens or monsters have upside-down faces).