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Obviously you have never seen Survivor man. you could kill a jack rabbit, or you could pee in a whole and let it evaporate.

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Q: What do you do if you stuck on a desert island with no food an no water?
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If you were stuck on an island what would you do first get water or food?

water a person can live 30 days with water but only 3 with food.

What is one food to have on a desert island?


What do you do with the salt and on shrink ray island?

I'm assuming you are stuck on a desert island, with only your computer and internet access. First, I would gather food. Then, email your mom and ask for help. Then, use your salt to blind the rescue people that come for you and escape with their helicopter.

How can the desert have lizards if they don't have food or water?

The desert has plenty of insects and arthropods that are food for many lizards. Much of the water needed by the lizard is in the food they eat.

Why did not Egyptians live in the desert?

It would have been impossible to support a civilization the size of Ancient Egypt in the desert, for one they couldn't grow food to feed the population and two there were no significant water resources from which to draw from. Therefore they stuck to their life line on the Nile River.

What do you need to be safe in a desert?

water and food

Is there food in the desert?

yes there is, you can get the water from the cactus.

What food provides the lowest amount of water?

a desert

What is hard to find in a desert?

Water, Shelter, Food.

Some desert animals get water from?

Some animals get their water from the food they eat.

If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only pack 10 things what things would be the best to bring?

the first thing i would bring is lots of water, lots of food and a t.v

What three things would you need with you if you were stuck on a desert island?

canteen with fresh water,flint,and a knife I would want lots of matches, a very sharp knife, and a large container to hold rain water if there was no fresh water. If there was fresh water, I would want some sort of food source, seeds or fishing gear with me.