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Causes of hair color changesAlthough there are a few chemicals which can contribute to causing hair to change color it is usually unbalance water which is the primary source.

The color can help us indicate what type of metal it is from. Example: Green hair is usually caused by copper being dissolved in the water. It precipitates out and stains the hair when we shower using a shampoo that is high in pH.

Your water should be tested for the following items:

pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, total dissolved solids, copper & iron.

What color is the stained hair?

To rid the stain from the hair find a shampoo that is known to be swimmers shampoo or one that is low in pH. Use often and it will dissolve the metals back into the water and rinse away down the drain. Use moisturizer to keep the hair soft and moist as you will probably wash the hair several times a day which will have a tendency to dry the hair.

We used this process with my daughter several years ago when she came home from a vacation and showered.. We heard the screams all through the house when she looked in the mirror to find a lot of green hair. We had it almost all gone within three days (just in time for to go to camp).

Steve Dunn Commercial Pool Systems, Inc.

Chemical substance in swimming pool are sulfur and chlorine. Overexposing in the pool can damage your hair and become thin then will start to fall.

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13y ago

chlorine, ph+, ph-, alkalinity, calcium, algaecide, and clarifier are your basics


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some sanitisers are; sodium hypochlorite, sodium dichlorocyanurate, trichlorocyanurate.

Some balancing chemicals are; Sodium Bicarbonate (increase pH and Alkalinity)

Soda Ash (increase pH only)

Hydrochloric Acid (decrease pH and Alkalinity)

Calcium Choride (increases water Hardness)

Cyanuric Acid - Stabiliser - slows down rate of loss of chlorine to UV rays (lowers pH)

Algaecides; Blends of copper salts, benzalkonium chloride and simazine.(few issues with this one however)

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13y ago

clorine and depending on certain pools salt water.

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11y ago

yes it does, in a negative way

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Q: What chemicals do you use in a swimming pool?
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To winterize your inground swimming pool, first backwash the filter, and then disconnect the pump. Purchase winterizing chemicals for the pool water, and be sure to use a pool cover.

Why do people itch when they go swimming?

the chlorine and other chemicals in the pool cause skin irritations and dryness use lotion

Where should swimming pool chemicals be stored?

Swimming pool chemicals should be locked away in a storage bin or shed where children cannot gain access to them. Be sure to prevent any dangerous accidents by keeping the children away from the chemicals.

Will swimming pool water be cloudy if the stablelizer is low?

Not likely, make sure all chemicals are balanced. If still cloudy, use a clarifier sold at pool stores.

Is it acceptable to urinate in a swimming pool?

no it is not but if you have an accident don't worry, there are chemicals in the pool water to deal with such accidents.

What is the ongoing swimming pool cost after installation?

The main cost will be in keeping the water safe for swimming. This is done with chemicals and by have the pool cleaned. So, the cost of chemicals, electricity to run the filter system, and a pool service to keep the pool clean if one does not do it themselves will be the main costs.

How do I know the amount of swimming pool chemicals I need for my home swimming pool?

You can determine the amount of swimming pool chemicals needed based on the volume of your pool. Your pool supplier or a professional pool maintenance service can help you with this calculation. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific chemicals you are using to ensure they are properly balanced.

I have heard that you can use muriatic acid and bleach in your swimming pools and you dont have to use any other chemicals is this true and if so how is it done?

Yes and no. There are other chemicals involved. You need to get a pool chemistry booklet or a swimming pool book soon before the pool gets ahead of you. You may be in over your head until you get someone to show you how to maintain a pool because it is not only the chemistry but the equipment maintenance also. Ken

Can you mix household bleach and pool chlorine?

It is not sensible to mix bleach and chlorine, or any other cleaners, especially as the question appears to be about a swimming pool? It has been known that, potentially, the gas given off, when chemicals are haphazardly mixed can cause death! Always read the labels and use household cleaners and swimming pool chemicals - carefully.

What will swimming in a chemically imbalanced pool do to you?

Swimming in chemically imbalanced swimming pool can give harm into your health. You need to keep in mind that every pool must have clean water, free from algae, dirt and sediments. There are may tips that you can get online on how to properly balance your swimming pool chemicals.

Can you use fusions at bromley swimming pool?

yes you can use fusions at bromley swimming pool (the pavilion)

How clean should a swimming pool be?

Crystal Clear with perfectly balanced chemicals.