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If you assume that the water entering your house in the mains pipe is at a constant pressure (this is a relatively good assumption) then the more outlets you give for it to flow from, the lower the flow rate from each one.

Say you are supplied 1 litre per second and your shower is using all of this. Now, turn a tap on to 0.3 litres per second and there is 0.7 litres per second coming from the shower head.

Showers are often upstairs and kitchens downstairs, so if the tap in question is in the kitchen then the effect will be greater than if they were both on level. The pressure of the water in the kitchen tap is made larger by the head of water pushing down from upstairs, and when both are turned on, the kitchen tap can "steal" more of the shower's water than a bathroom tap would when twisted the same amount.

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Q: What causes a water pressure drop in the shower when someone turns another faucet on?
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It means that you should sell your home and move far away! No jk If its your faucet that is dripping I think in time your faucet needs repaired or replaced because if it drips only when you run water at another fixture (faucet) and doesn't drip if you have everything off then you have a strange faucet but its most likely caused by water hammer (sudden stop of water flow) and if you don't think its cause by that then it also could be from water pressure which when you turn on another faucet and the pressure drops a little and from the drop of pressure and it vibrates your seal in your faucet which could make it drip but very rare but possible.

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well if you have a plugged aerator or your water line is corroded then that is usually the reason a faucet has low pressure if its just one faucet.

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Can a faucet turn itself on because of pressure in the pipelines?

No. It takes much more than water pressure to turn on the water faucet. At most, there is a leak if anything at all.

Find gauge pressure of faucet on twelfth floor?

Reference pressure less the height.

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