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from jumping into the water rele fast on ur stomach, like when u jump stomach first it rele hurts,

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Q: What causes a Red welt rash on stomach after swimming in pool?
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What do you put on a rash that is on your stomach from after you go swimming?

Milk or cornflouR or a mixture of the 2.

Rash all over legs after swimming in a private pool?

Improper water chemistry - stay out of the pool until they learn how to properly maintain a swimming pool. Last measure would be to test the water yourself for proper chemistry.

Could your Yorkshire terrier get a rash from going in a chlorinated swimming pool?

Well it really depends on how long the dog was in it, how strong the chemicals were in the chlorinated pool. But if it was a regular swimming pool, and the dog was in there from 2-3 hours, in and out, i would say yes, it's possible the rash is caused because of that. Also if the pool has 76% or higher of high chemicals, that would be what have caused it too.

Is swimming pool chlorine bad for a 9 week old?

No, as long as he/she is not swallowing it or developing a rash, then he/she should be fine.

Can you go swimming with a rash on your stomach?

It sounds a lot like ringworm. My family had an above ground pool that initially did not have chlorine in it. I was already sick with strep throat and had a compromised immune system, but after swimming in the pool and going to bed shortly after, I noticed in the morning that I had an oval shaped pink rash on my abdomen. My doctor inspected the rash the next day and confirmed it was ringworm (very common in the summer months and easily contracted from a swimming pool which harbors fungi without the appropriate chemicals like chlorine). I wish the best of luck to you and anyone else who stumbles upon this answer. Ringworm can be treated with over-the-counter cream or prescription cream, but it should be treated immediately never the less. It takes a few weeks to fully be rid of this fungal infection and even then, there is a moderate risk of recurrence.

Can chlorine cause allergy?

Chlorine is not really an allergen (something that causes an allergy), but it is a mild-medium acid, and many people get an itchy rash after being exposed to too much chlorine, e.g. after swimming in a pool just after chlorine has been added. the best way to coulter this us to wash with fresh water wherever you have been exposed to chlorine (like having a shower after swimming)

What would cause a a skin rash every time after swimming in any pool?

Most likely is a sensitivity to the pool chemicals. Public pools keep the antibacterial levels quite a bit higher than a private pool, usually with chlorine. It will help to use skin cream after swimming.

What are the symptoms of swimming pool syndrome?

The answer is varied. Some symptoms are similar to those of cold symptoms, cough irritated throat, red, sore throat, irritated, red eyes, conjunctivitis. Other symptoms are eczema, skin rash, psoriasis. Problem is with the pH of the pool and the chlorine.

Can you get a stomach rash with clindamycin?

I just took my first does of this med, 150mg, and a rash has broken out on my stomach. Has this happened to anyone else. I see that there can be serious side effects from this drug.

What causes a small red bumps on stomach?

That's wayyy too general. A bump on the stomach could be a rash, a pimple, a tumor or an insect bite. To know for sure (and if its causing you problems), please contact a health professional. ~ T

Why should you wear a rash guard?

Rash guards were initially developed for Surfers to protect the chest and stomach from a rash. This rash develops when the chest and stomach rub on the waxed surfboard. Rash Guards are now made with a coating to protect from the suns harmful UV rays. They are ideal because they are comfortable to wear and dry quickly.

What causes red blister rash on hands after swimming in the Caribbean sea?

I dont no but my Mum calls it sea lice, even tho sea lice dont rele effect humans