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Q: What can you use to clean the sides of your pool from algae that does not contain chlorine?
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How do you get rid of really green water in above ground pool?

Green pool water is caused by algae. To remove the algae, bring the pH level of the water to 7.8, scrub the sides and bottom of the pool, shock the water with chlorine, then vacuum up all the dead algae.

How do you clean green algae of the bottom of a pool?

There are a wide variety of algaecides (algae killers) available. Your local home improvement store, or pool store, has them. Most pools can be treated for about $20. You will want to use an algaecide, and "shock" the pool which briefly brings the chlorine level up to an insane amount, and then use a clarifier which will cause all the dead algae to clump up and sink to the bottom, where it can easily be vacuumed out. All of these chemicals evaporate in a day or two, leaving the pool ready for swimming.

When can you clean a fish tank?

You should clean a fish tank regularly with water changes of at least 50% each week along with cleaning out any waste or uneaten food, and using an algae scrubber to clean the sides

Does high chlorine make the pool green?

Yes, it does. No, it isn't! Chlorinated water is most common today. Many choose this type of system because the chlorine tablets are already available. Many find it more effective in dealing with bacteria and algae. Without chlorine, the pool can get clogged easily and be swamped with green algae.

How do you know if your fish tank have the icky?

By icky, I am guessing you mean algae? Well for one, this will be paradise for Algae Eaters but the other fish might feel a little dirty or sick. Clean your tank and while doing, use an algae scrubber and scrub down the sides of the tank where the algae is present.Hint: Scrub on the inside of the tank, where the water is.

Do you need to vacuum a pool if you use chlorine or is chlorine and a net for skimming the top enough?

If there is dirt on the bottom of the pool, it is best to vacuum it out. Organic debris (such as leaves) can cause staining. Brushing the sides and bottom is also important. Algae loves to hide in crevices and brushing strips away its protective slime coating so that the chlorine can kill it.

What kind of algae grow in pools?

pool algae...YUCK!!!! it's algae basiclly and it grows FAST!!!!!!! Basiclly the picture tells all. The pool became green and don't imagine swimming in it!!! This is echosong101lol speaking to the person who wrote this^^^^^ Pool algae is not that bad you know.Its nature.To be honest, I wouldn't mind swimming in it.(I would just want goggles)!!

How do you get rid of algae in an above-ground pool?

If emptying and refilling is not an option I would clean out as much debris as possible so as to not clog the filter and pump. I would then shock the heck out of it.

If you have a 25 thousand gallon cement pool and you are still getting spotty areas of algae on the sides of it even though you have shocked the pool twice how can you get rid of this problem?

To get rid of the spotty algae on the sides of your pool, you can scrub the affected areas with a pool brush to remove the algae from the surface. You can also try using an algaecide specifically designed to treat algae in pools. Make sure to maintain proper pool chemistry levels and circulation to prevent algae growth in the future.

What do you do if your pool has green algae and black algae spots?

To address green algae, shock the pool and scrub the affected areas. For black algae spots, brush the spots thoroughly to break down outer layers, then use a specialized black algae treatment according to the package instructions. Be sure to maintain proper chlorine levels and filtration to prevent algae growth in the future.

How do you remove leaf stains in pool?

scrub with a chemical or something u use to clean stuff. It should take it out.

Does keeping a solar cover on the pool cause algae. I am in a shaded area and like to keep the pool cover on to keep in the heat. My pool keeps turning green and I want to know if is is the cover?

Algae is caused by sunlight and bacteria. The solar cover helps keep the chlorine in during the day under direct sun if in place; the green is probably due to bacteria rather than the the cover holding heat; scrub pool bottom and sides, add chlorine shock at 1 lb per 10000 gallons and run filter for 24 hours.