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Q: What body of water does the peace bridge cross?
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What was the purpose of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge?

To cross a large body of water.

What body of water does the tacoma narrows bridge cross?

Hudson River

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Northumberland Strait

What body of water does the George Washington bridge cross over?

Hudson river

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Lake Washington

What is the Brooklyn Bridge Used for?

Like any bridge - to cross a body of water. To link a landmass to another landmass.

What body of water does the quebec bridge cross?

Lower St. Lawrence River. BAM

What body of water does the verrazano narrows bridge cross?

The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge crosses the body of water known as The Narrows, which is a tidal strait connecting the Upper Bay with the Lower Bay in New York City.

What body of water does the George Washington Bridge cross?

The George Washington Bridge traverses the Hudson River. It connects New Jersey to Upper Manhattan.

What body of water covers the land bridge?


What is the body of water for the tower bridge?

It crosses the River Thames.

Is the Brooklyn Bridge the longest bridge in the world?

No.Arguably the longest bridge is the Bang Na Expressway, in Bangkok, Thailand. It is 33.5 miles long (54 km), but is not considered a bridge because it does not cross a single body of water, instead crossing a river and canals.The longest bridge running over a single body of water in the world is now the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge in China. 42km in length, it links China's eastern port city of Qingdao to the island of Huangdao. The bridge cost over $1.4 billion to build and was completed in mid-2011.