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Q: What author landed a 468-pound marlin without harness in the early 1930s?
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Related questions

What is landed property?

Landed property was an aspect of feudalism. It usually refers to land that generates income for the owner without the owner having to do any of the work. Where there is landed property there is an aristocracy.

Why did Owen hart show how he died?

Owen Hart was wearing a harness before his death because he died from falling around 70 ft. into the ring. It was part of a stunt he was doing for his gimmick, The Blue Blazer. He was intended to descend from the ceiling in a superhero-like fashion, then trip once he landed in the ring. Unfortunately, the stunt malfunctioned and the harness came loose, and he fell into the ring, landing on the ropes, and died. The harness was to prevent something like this from happened, although clearly it didn't work out very well.

What has the author Nelson Edwin Mustoe written?

Nelson Edwin Mustoe has written: 'Income tax on landed property'

What has the author Mary Albertson written?

Mary Albertson has written: 'London merchants and their landed property during the reigns of the Yorkists'

Where were the first two Roman invasions of Britain?

Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.Caesar landed his invasion fleets at Deal.

Which of the original colonies had landed estates?

Landed estate generally refers to property that generates income for the owner without the owner having to do any work. It was a holdover from feudalism. There were landed estates in certain parts of Colonial America with hereditary rights granted to the proprietor by royal charter. On the other hand, some parts never had a landed aristocracy, namely Pennsylvania and New England. Landed estates eventually became obsolete by 1800 in most places. Virginia has more evidence of landed estates than any other colony. The Dutch set up landed estates in New York along the Hudson River. The remaining colonies all has some form of landed estates in their early histories.

What has the author Roy M Robbins written?

Roy M. Robbins has written: 'Our landed heritage' -- subject(s): Public lands

Who landed on Jupiter?

Nobody has landed on Jupiter. The only place people have landed is the Moon.

Who The pilgramis landed here?

They landed in Massachusetts.

What is the first creature landed on the moon?

The first creature landed on the moon was the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2, in 1959. It was an unmanned spacecraft carrying instruments to study the moon's surface.

Where did Leif Ericson landed?

Leif Ericson landed in Vinland.

Where is the compound word in She jumped off the diving board and landed with a splash?
