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Fresh water:

  1. Lake Michigan
  2. Lake Superior
  3. Lake Huron
  4. Lake Erie
  5. Lake Ontario
  6. Lake Champlain
  7. St. Lawrence River
  8. Chicago River
  9. Nile River
  10. Lake Victoria
  11. The Yangtze River
Salt Water:
  1. Atlantic Ocean
  2. Pacific Ocean
  3. Arctic Ocean
  4. Indian Ocean
  5. Dead Sea
  6. Great Salt Lake
  7. Salton Sea
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Q: What are two examples each of freshwater and saltwater bodies of water?
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What bodies of water can be freshwater or saltwater?


What kind of water does Massachusetts have?

Massachusetts has both saltwater and freshwater. It touches the saltwater Atlantic Ocean and also has over 500 bodies of freshwater including lakes and rivers.

What ecosystems are aquatic?

Oceans, sea , rivers and other water bodies are the ecosystems that are referred to as aquatic. The ecosystems that are aquatic are freshwater and saltwater(marine).

What bodies of water are included in the freshwater biome?

Bodies of water included in the freshwater biome are lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and wetlands. These habitats are essential for supporting diverse aquatic life, such as fish, amphibians, and aquatic plants.

Is the water that falls from the sky saltwater or freshwater?

The water that falls from the sky as rain is freshwater. It is collected from oceans and other bodies of water as vapor, which then condenses into clouds and is eventually released as precipitation.

What are the four bodies of water?

the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian ocean, and the artic ocean

What is the salt water to fresh water ratio?

The average saltwater to freshwater ratio on Earth is about 97% saltwater and 3% freshwater. This ratio varies depending on the location and specific bodies of water.

Are ducks freshwater or saltwater?

Ducks are typically found in freshwater habitats such as lakes, rivers, and ponds. They can also adapt to brackish water environments, but they usually prefer freshwater.

What is the difference between saltwater and water?

saltwater has salt in it, freshwater does not.

Are there freshwater oceans?

No, oceans contain saltwater due to the dissolved minerals and salts present in them. However, there are freshwater bodies such as lakes, rivers, and ponds.

Is a betta fish saltwater or freshwater fish?

Redfish are fresh water

Why are some fish saltwater fish and others freshwater fish?

Because saltwater fish can only breathe in saltwater (as in the ocean) and freshwater fish can only breathe in freshwater (as in tap water.)