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Pacific Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

caribbean sea

amazon river

and the golf of mexico

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11y ago

Carribean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, South Atlanitc Ocean and South Pacific Ocean

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Q: What are the five bodies of water in latin America?
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What four major bodies of water surround Latin America?

pacific ocean atlantic ocean caribbean sea and amazon river

What are the five ethnic groups that are in Latin America?

The five major ethnic groups of Latin America are Africans, Indians, Mullatos, Mestizos, and Europeans.

What are the five largest states in Latin America?


What are the five bodies of water that border North America?

Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Artic Ocean, Bering Sea

How do ISPs obtain public addresses?

They get it from one of the five regional registries, for example AFRINIC for Africa, LACNIC for Latin America and the Carribean, etc.They get it from one of the five regional registries, for example AFRINIC for Africa, LACNIC for Latin America and the Carribean, etc.They get it from one of the five regional registries, for example AFRINIC for Africa, LACNIC for Latin America and the Carribean, etc.They get it from one of the five regional registries, for example AFRINIC for Africa, LACNIC for Latin America and the Carribean, etc.

The rings in the symbol for the Olympics stand for what large bodies of water?

The rings on the Olympic flag stand for the five continents where the games are held.. Europe, Asia, Africa, south america and north america.

What are the five languages in Latin America?

Spanish English French Porteguese Bolivi

What are the bodies if water?

The five bodies of water are the Atlantic Ocean, the PAcific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean

What are the water bodies?

The five bodies of water are the Atlantic Ocean, the PAcific Ocean, the Indian ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean

Five bodies of water in the southeast?

i dont know why dont you tlll meee

What five major bodies of water border Africa?

The five major bodies of water that border Africa are Mr. Big, Mrs. Deep, Sir Blue, Ms. Ocean, and finally Colonel Big Deep Blue Ocean.

Name five names of bodies of water that start with an s?

island ocean saltwater