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The Persian Gulf! The largest deposit is actually located beneath Saudi Arabia.

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Q: The world's leading petroleum producers are clustered around what body of water?
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What is the leading petroleum producing region in Mexico?

The states around the Gulf of Mexico coast, including Veracruz and Campeche.

Where is Hinduism clustered?

The area around India

How do you use the word clustered in a sentence?

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Give an account of the geographical Distribution of petroleum in the world?

Petroleum is found in various regions around the world, with the largest proven reserves located in the Middle East, particularly in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. Other significant regions with substantial petroleum reserves include Russia, Venezuela, the United States, and Canada. Africa also has significant petroleum reserves, with countries like Nigeria, Angola, and Libya being major producers.

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The pH level of petroleum is typically neutral, around pH 7. However, this can vary depending on the specific type and purity of the petroleum product.

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How much petroleum is one pound of plastic equivalent to?

One pound of plastic is equivalent to around 3.2 pounds of petroleum, as petroleum is a primary component used in the production of plastic.

How much farming land is in Germany?

Around 52% of Germany's total land area is used for agriculture, which is approximately 17.4 million hectares. This makes Germany one of the leading agricultural producers in Europe.

What different settlements are there?

There are three basic settlement patterns. These are: (a) Nucleated or clustered in which settlements are clustered around a central point. (b) Random or dispersed in which settlements are scattered without any particular order. (c) Regular or ordered in which settlements follow a set placement, leading either to a grid or triangular pattern. Other patterns are linear (in which settlements are arranged in a line, for example along a road) and radial (in which settlements are placed such that they form an 'X' shape or the shape of spokes in a bicycle wheel).

What percentage of your food comes from producers?

Around 90% of our food comes directly from producers. We source locally and support farmers and producers in our community whenever possible.