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Doesn't really sound like a question. But your swimming pool suction is determined by the size of your pump. There are other factors like the pipe distance and diameter, but it basically comes down to the size of your pump.

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Q: Swimming pool suction is too strong?
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Cooper or coPPer ? Too much cOOper , then ask Cooper to get out of the pool !!

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Swimming pool water can be what ever temperature you would like it to be just not too cold or too hot just need to have a little relaxation. :)

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Well it really depends on how long the dog was in it, how strong the chemicals were in the chlorinated pool. But if it was a regular swimming pool, and the dog was in there from 2-3 hours, in and out, i would say yes, it's possible the rash is caused because of that. Also if the pool has 76% or higher of high chemicals, that would be what have caused it too.

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Too much water in your pool means the skimmers won't work properly. There's not enough suction to skim the debris from the top of the pool. Too little water and your skimmers will be sucking air and that will go into you system causing it to not work properly. Keep your water level about 2-3" from the bottom of the skimmer, or 1/4-1/2 the way up from the bottom. Go to: for more great info.

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Why isn't there are 100m swimming pool?

They may exist, but it is not likely. That is because a 100m swimming pool would be too inefficient. It would be to large and would require too much space, water, and chemicals.

How public swimming pools rare important to community?

Public Swimming Pool is important to a community because not all houses in a certain community have a swimming pool. Building own swimming pool is too costly and it needs maintenance. Public swimming pools give opportunities to those who want to practice their swimming skills and ability.

Which valve lowers swimming pool pressure?

You can not measure the pressure in a swimming pool. If you mean the pressure on the filter tank gage then you may have to backwash the filter. Talk to your local pool store for instructions as how to maintain a swimming pool and the equipment. Get some education on swimming pool maint. before you get into some real trouble. A pool is not too forgiving for someone without a basic knowledge of pools.

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Cut it to fit.

Can people go on a plane after swimming in a 2M deep pool or is the pressure to much?

A person can go to a plane after swimming in a 2M deep pool because the pressure is not too much.

Does every family have a swimming pool in America?

No. It is not necessary nor required. For some families owning a pool is too expensive.

Which companies offer a pool cleaning service?

I'm too lazy to clean my swimming pool. Where can I find a company that offers a pool cleaning service?