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algea is in the water, sun light makes it grow, so if water is clear it will grow, use an algaeside, It takes many things added together to make for a pristine pool environment. Proper filtration, proper water chemistry, proper cleaning and maintenance - daily or weekly. Even the temperature of the water and the amount of people (or dogs) using the pool. (DOGS = NOT A GOOD IDEA FOR THEM TO USE THE POOL). And how much debris is blowing into the pool - are there trees or plants that shed into the pool. Many, many factors influence pool water quality.

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Q: Swimming pool has very clear water but requires lots of acid and has some small spots of algae growing?
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Clear stuff growing in the fish tank?

that is algae get a fish tank scrapper and put a rubber glove on and clean it off otherwise it will keep growing

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Swimming in an ocean does not clear cold sores.

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ick clear or algae clear

What other chemical are in swimming pool water?

Other chemicals in swimming pool water include cyanuric acid (stabilizer), calcium hardness increaser, algaecides, and clarifiers. These chemicals help maintain water quality, prevent algae growth, and keep the pool water clear.

Does swimming clear your system of THC?

no it

Will clear pool covers decrease algae growth?

No if any thing it will increase it as algae uses sunlight

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Chlorine itself is not visible in swimming pools, but you can see its effects in the form of clear, clean water. Chlorine is added to pools to disinfect and kill bacteria, algae, and other microorganisms that can make the water cloudy or green.

Why does bottled water have algae?

Algae growth in bottled water can occur if the water is exposed to light and contains nutrients that algae can feed on. This can happen if the water is not properly filtered or stored in a clear container that allows light penetration, leading to algae growth. It is important to store bottled water in a cool, dark place to prevent algae contamination.

Can you give me another sentence using the word swimming?

The water in the swimming-hole was refreshingly cool and clear.

How do you keep your pool clean and clear?

by using chemicals go to special pool shops they are brilliant and clear the algae, not to mention making your pool blue and clear!

I have a clear and circular thing in my fish tank.I justgot new two new fish today that eat algae.What is this clear thing in your fish tank?

Maybe it's just a spot where one of your algae eaters has fastened itself and cleared away the algae.

How clean should a swimming pool be?

Crystal Clear with perfectly balanced chemicals.