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No. Your policy will only cover damages which were caused by a covered loss during the policy period.

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Q: Should homeowners insurance cover water damage that was caused before you moved in?
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It depends on why your being sued. If your homeowners insurance covers the act that caused the suit, then you should have legal defense costs coverage if you purchased liability insurance with your homeowners insurance policy. If you did not purchase liability coverage then your insurance company will not defend you.

Does homeowners insurance cover fire damage caused by a visitor?

Yes, Homeowners insurance typically does provide coverage for losses that result from an accidental fire.

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Homeowners insurance covers what is inside the home. Check your auto insurance for auto damages.

Is scabies covered on homeowners insurance?

Of course not. Scabies is a skin condition caused by a type of mite. There is not way that this would be covered under a homeowners insurance policy

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Typically, standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover damage to a foundation caused by earthquakes. You would need to purchase a separate earthquake insurance policy or rider to have coverage for this type of damage.

Does my homeowners insurance cover damage to my property caused by tree roots from a neighbor's tree?

Yes, but you would have to pay what your homeowners deductible.

Is homeowners insurance or condo insurance or both responsible for leakage from the roof that has caused damage to the floors ceiling and walls?

In most cases the association is responsible for mantaining the roof and structure. It should the the association's insurance problem.

Will homeowners insurance cover a fire loss caused by the homeowner?

Accidental, Yes. Intentional, No

Will homeowners insurance cover cost of electric company work on adjoining property caused by downed tree on covered property?

Yes. But the electrical company's insurance co should cover it if they are at fault.

Does homeowners insurance cover a fireplace falling through the floor?

Homeowners insurance covers many things, but not faulty construction or damage caused by deferred maintenance. You will have to check with your insurance company to see if the problem and its cause are covered.

Is back up within a septic system covered by homeowners insurance?

Probably not. Usually a septic system backup is caused by a maintenance issue and not by a covered cause that would be covered on your homeowners insurance.

Will AAA homeowners insurance policy cover overflow of water from sink?

No. This is not a covered cause under a homeowners policy. This is something that was caused by the homeowners neglect which is not covered under the terms of the policy.