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If the water is staying clear there is no reason to shock it.

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Q: Should I shock my pool water since we just had a rainy day even though my chlorine level is already high?
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What should chlorine level be?

99.99 percent

Can swimming in a chlorine pool affect a new earlobe piercing?

If the chlorine level is correctly maintained this should not be a problem.

You have low chlorine level in above ground pool?

If you are getting a low reading of chlorine in your above ground pool, you should add the appropriate amount of chlorine to get it back to the correct level. This is important to keep your pool running at maximum abilities.

What procedure is used to determine the level of combined chlorine in water?

The level of combined chlorine in water is typically determined using a test kit that measures the total chlorine and free chlorine levels. By subtracting the free chlorine level from the total chlorine level, the level of combined chlorine can be calculated. This measurement is important in determining the effectiveness of water treatment processes.

What is the highest occupied energy level for chlorine?

The highest occupied energy level for chlorine is the 3rd energy level. This means that the valence electrons of a chlorine atom are in the 3rd energy level.

Should you shock the pool if your chlorine level is high?

You only need to shock the pool if there is visible algae, or if the ppm of total chlorine is higher than the ppm of free chlorine. Generally, a level of 2-4 ppm chlorine is all you need to keep your pool sanitary. Let the level drop to that on its own, or use sodium thiosulfate to drop it quickly if you notice itchy skin from excessive chlorine.

Should you swim in high chlorine pools if you have phneumonia?

No it isn't good. You are having trouble breathing to begin with and the high level of chlorine in a pool is not good to breath.

How many electrons are in the second energy level of an atom of chlorine?

well, on the periodic table of elements a chlorine atom has 17 electrons, usually the first level holds up to two electrons and the second level holds up to 8. so if my figuring is correct there should be fifteen electrons on the second energy level.

Should you be using stabilized Chlorine in your pool everyday or is the Granular better?

Use stabilized chlorine only so long as stabilizer level (cyanuric acid level) in pool is within the recommended range of 50-80ppm.

How much chlorine is used in a swimming pool?

Chlorine level should stay between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (ppm) to maintain a healthy pool.

Will bleach raise the chlorine level?

Yes, bleach contains chlorine, so using bleach will raise the chlorine level in a pool or water system.

How quickly can you swim after adding chlorine to a pool?

You should not re-enter the pool until the chlorine level is 3ppm or less on your test strip, however long that takes. Chlorine is a known carcinogen and high chlorine levels are linked to many respiratory diseases.