

Salt in pool make you float?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Salt in pool make you float?
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Is it better to float in a pool or a ocean?

a ocean because the salt water makes you float and a pool water doesn't.

Does sea salt make things float?

Yes any salt can make things float

Will salt make an egg float?

yes, salt will make a egg float in water not on a table though

Why is it easier to float in the sea than the pool?

It is easier to float because the sea water is denser than water found in a swimming pool. This is caused by the salt in the oceans.

Is it less tiring to swim in a saline pool?

The salt in a saline pool will help you float, so it probably is easier to swim in.

Will salt in water make a coke can float?

it depends on how much salt is in the water. if there is enough, the soda can will float.

What is easy to swim on beach or pool?

It is easier to swim in the sea because of the amount of salt in sea water the density of the water is greater which make you float more easily.

Does salt make you float in water?

Yes, it does

What is in the salt water why the egg float?

Salt water have a higher density.So it can produce enough upthrust to make the egg float.

Can you put salt in water to make an object float?

Yes, adding salt to water increases its density, which can make some objects that would normally sink, like eggs, float. By altering the density of the water, the buoyant force exerted on the object can be increased to make it float.

Does salt make an egg float above the water?

If there is enough salt, then yes.

Why does salt water make things float?

salt makes the water denser, so things that are now less dense than the salt water will float