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Yes but very few and not all year round mainly bull sharks

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Q: Is there any dangerous sharks in and around turkey?
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Are great hammer head sharks dangerous?

They can be if any part of your body gets in its mouth, or if it is thrasing around and it hits you. Yes. Of the nine known species of hammerhead, three can be dangerous to humans: the scalloped, great, and smooth hammerheads.

Are there great white sharks off the Oregon coast?

Yes there are but do not get scared sharks are not very dangerous in any place.

Are there any dangerous animals in Tunisia?

they are tigers lions bull sharks rinnos

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Any turkey can tango, any turkey can dance. Any turkey can tango, if they have the chance! Any turkey can snap snap snap, any turkey can clap clap clap, any turkey can tap tap tap, any turkey can tango Any turkey can tango, any turkey can dance. Any turkey can tango, if they have the chance! Any turkey can turn around, any turkey can touch the ground, any turkey can strut through town, any turkey can tango!

Is there any kinds of sharks that are dangerous to people?

no sharks are not as deadly as we say they are you have a better chance of getting killed by a pig then getting bite not dying by a shark!!! and getting killed by a pig is 1 in 7.3 million

What is dengerous about free diving?

What is dangerous about free diving is that if you loose your breath while you are down there than you can drown so make sure that you are good at holding your breath and that there are no sharks or any dangerous fish around other than that you should be good!

Are there dangerous sharks in the Caribbean sea near the Colombian coast?

yes scorpions are so more dangerous than any other person in the world of course!

Why are whale sharks dangerous to people?

Whale sharks are not generally dangerous to human beings; in fact, they are friendly and occasionally even give rides to divers. But whale Sharks are still big and strong animals. Like any big and strong animal they could do some damage if they decided to.

Are there sharks in bora bora?

Yes. Smaller reef sharks inside the reef and larger sharks in deeper waters outside the lagoon. Smaller varieties not generally dangerous - I have been in the water with sharks inside and outside the reefs and never any issues. There are Tiger sharks in the deeper waters around the islands and they can be dangerous. Don't swim at dawn or dusk or near a river mouth and your risk is almost nil - about the same as a lightning strike. Don't miss the beauty of these waters over a long shot like that.

Is there any animal more dangerous then the shark?

A jellyfish is! because more people are killed by them than sharks!

Are sharks in Waikiki Beach?

While the answer is yes (I have seen them) you have relatively nothing to worry about and the sharks that I have seen don't quite compare to the movie Jaws. I am quite sure it is more dangerous crossing the streets of Oahu!! (not trying to say that the street are any more dangerous than any other city)

Are sharks dangerous if you do not bother them?

They can be just like other creatures. Animals are very unpredictable creatures and can lash out at any moment.