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Why yes, there is! It was once my job back in grade school. Unfortunately, though, I ended up swallowing some of the contaminated water. :( But it was good pay while it lasted.

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Q: Is there a such thing as pool pee finder?
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What percentage of a pool is pee?

hopefully ZERO

Did you ever pee in the pool?

I did'nt ever pee in a pool but i pee in your girls mouth dis javontae my fault you should know this cause i was over your mothers house last night real talk but you know what , larrena pee in a pool but she got a yease affection and her fat self shank and her face is blowed

Do girls pee in the swimming pool or what do you do when you got to go?

Girls do not pee in the least this one doesnt....I get out of the pool and go to the bathroom.....but then again that's just me... why waste your energy why not just pee in the pool

How do you raise total chlorine level pool?

You whip your dick out and pee in the pool.. that oughta do it! :)

Is there a dye to turn urine blue in swimming pools?

Your pee will not turn blue if you pee in an outdoor swimming pool. Pee turning blue in a swimming pool is just used as comedy in the movies and is not likely to happen in real life.

What is a loophole finder?

Its a thing that finds loopholes

Why do kids pee in the pool?

because they want it warm no imma kid and I no the coldness of the pool is COLD so we can mange the body temp so we pee and make it warm from persanol experience

Is there such thing as pee?

"Pee" is slang for urinate; "peeing" is slang for "urinating".

What is the saying that says 'if you don't ------ then I won't pee in your pool'?

It goes... "I don't swim in your toilet so please don't pee in my pool". I once saw a sign that said " Welcome To Our Ool... Notice there's no "P" in it". : )

Is it a crime to pee?

no, it is a naturally thing

If home purchased six years ago with a pool over neighbors property line?

The answer is yes your neighbors can legally pee in your pool.

Is pool a place or thing?

A pool is a place you can go; a pool is a thing in which to swim.Distinctions of this kind are not set in concrete, the important thing is to know that the word pool is a noun.