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yes with proper knowledge and time

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Q: Is it possible to Repair osmotic blistering in a fiberglass pool?
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Fiberglass Repair?

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Is it possible for a DIY to perform fiberglass tub repair or is it better for a professional?

It is always better to have a professional come in and do a repair if you are not familiar with the task. A professional is recommended because the material is fiberglass.

How do you repair hull holes in fiberglass boats?

You can learn how to repair hull holes in fiberglass boats here:

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Where can I read about the process of fiberglass repair?

Pl go through the following links which have articles/ instructions about the process of fiberglass repair; these are highly educative and you can do it yourself-;; AND

Paintless Dent Repair Shop?

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What type of contractor will perform fiberglass tub repair?

Most contractors of this type call themselves "bathroom remodelers" or refinishers. Despite the connotation of totally remodeling a bathroom, they repair bathroom fixtures, too. Most bathrooms contractor will perform fiberglass tub repair. Another type of contractor who perform fiberglass tub repair is refinishing contractors.

How do you repair fiberglass flower pots?

Use fibreglass repair kit (automotive). Works well.

Will a plumbing be able to repair damage to a fiberglass tub?

Yes, plumbing should be able to repair damage to a fiberglass tub. However, it is recommended you hire a professional plumber to work on your bath tub.

What is a good book on fiberglass tub repair?

"Fiberglass Repair: How to repair automotive, boat, airplane and other fibreglass and composite structures" by Paul Metz is a comprehensive guide that covers techniques for repairing fiberglass tubs. It includes step-by-step instructions and illustrations to help you tackle your repair project effectively.

Would fiberglass be a good repair for a crack that you have on your auto radiator?

yes :)

Who can repair cracked carbon fiber Boxter steering wheel?

I can, but it wouldn't be as pretty as when it was new. You could bring it to a body shop that does fiberglass repair. Of course, you could do it yourself with the proper equipment and some basic instruction. The process for repairing carbon fiber components is the same as for repairing fiberglass components. There are videos on youtube that show how to repair fiberglass.