

Is calcium found in water

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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yes of course, calcium and magnesium are two minerals that are found in the deep waters of oceans .

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Q: Is calcium found in water
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What element is found in bones and hard water?

Calcium is the element found in both bones and hard water. In bones, calcium provides strength and structure, while in hard water, it is dissolved in the form of calcium ions.

Does lime has calcium content?

yes it is found in lime yes it is found in lime.

Is calcium found in hard water?

Yes, calcium is commonly found in hard water. Hard water contains high levels of mineral ions, including calcium and magnesium, which can lead to the buildup of scale in pipes and appliances.

What is the name something that is a calcium?

Bones have calcium in them. So does milk. Rocks can also have calcium in them. Calcium is sometimes found in water too.

Is calcium a solid or aqueous?

Calcium is typically found in solid form, such as in the mineral form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) found in rocks. When dissolved in water, calcium ions (Ca2+) can form aqueous solutions.

What is the chemical compound found in slaked lime?

The chemical compound found in slaked lime is calcium hydroxide, which is produced by adding water to calcium oxide (quicklime). It is commonly used in construction, agriculture, and water treatment applications.

What are the elements found in water?

Hard water contains carbonates and bicarbonates of calcium and Magnesium.

Where are stalactites found in a cave?

Stalactites are found on the ceiling of caves and are made by the dripping of water enriched with calcium, from the cracks in the ceiling. when the calcium precipitates from the water it leaves calcium and the water drops down to start the formation of stalagmites that are created in the same process but are created by the water dripping off of stalactites. :) hope this helped

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What compounds are found in calcium?

There are no compounds found in calcium. Calcium is an element.

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vitamin C, vitamin A, water, calcium, iron

Is calcium in the earth's crust?

Yes, calcium is present in the Earth's crust as one of the most abundant elements. It is primarily found in minerals such as calcite, dolomite, and gypsum. Calcium plays a vital role in various geological processes and is essential for the formation of rocks and minerals.