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Usually he would be if you are using it to live on

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Q: Is a landlord responsible for the quality of well water?
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Can landlord demand you insure building fabric as well as your belongings?

Normally not. Anything that is part of the property is covered by the landlord as part of the property. However, you are responsible for any damages you incur upon such, something your insurance will often cover.

How much bleach to put down well?

It is not safe or recommended to put bleach down a well as it can harm the environment, well components, and potentially affect the quality of well water. If there are specific concerns about water quality, it is best to consult with a professional water testing laboratory or a certified water treatment specialist for appropriate and safe treatment options.

Is a bird nest in a chimney the responsibiity of the landlord?

Yes, well most of the time. Depends where you live and who your landlord is.

What kind of insurance is the Landlord Property Insurance?

Landlord Property Insurance is insurance that a landlord should have on any properties that he or she owns. Landlord insurance will protect the landlord from any damage that may happen to the property as well as any liability claims that may be made against the Landlord.

Who is responsible to repair a tenants window blinds?

well as i can say the landlord because its thetre house so if any thing is wrong they repair it thats wat i am use to unless u did it and its ot in his hands

House fire due to electrical shortage can landlord be sued?

Probably, if you can prove that the landlord caused the problem. However, if the overload occurred as the result of another tenant you can sue them instead. Remember, in general, the landlord is NOT responsible for damage to personal property of the tenant, which is why they should obtain renter's insurance.

Is it better to have a deeper well water to have clearer water?

Not necessarily. The clarity of well water is influenced by various factors such as sediment, minerals, and organic matter present in the water, rather than just the depth of the well. Proper filtration and treatment systems can help in improving the clarity of well water regardless of its depth.

What threatens the sustainability of fish?

Over-fishing by humans, as well as the decreasing quality of water in all bodies of water.

How much bleach do you add to a well water system?

It is not recommended to add bleach to a well water system without proper guidance from a water treatment professional. The amount of bleach and the procedure for disinfecting a well water system can vary based on the specific conditions of the well and the water quality. It is best to consult with a water quality specialist or a local health department for proper disinfection instructions.

Is the landlord responsible for the roach infestation?

It depends on two things..which can vary from state to state 1.The landlord tenant laws in your state... 2. The lease agreement. Some States require that the landlord be responsible for all forms of pest control (ie) roaches,rats,mice,bees,bed bugs,ants,spiders,ect ect.. Some States only require the landlord to insure that a rental unit is free from all pests before renting the unit and then any further pest control is the responsibility of the tenant... Lease agreements can also have stipulations for pest control as well according to the laws of the state....(ie) A landlord may be responsible for the control of mice,rats and termites but may not be responsible for roaches,bed bugs and ants... So check your lease and the laws of your state....

What does well water do to yeast?

Well water may contain minerals and other impurities that can affect the growth and activity of yeast. Different mineral levels in well water can impact fermentation, potentially by inhibiting or promoting yeast growth. Water quality can influence the flavor and quality of the final product in yeast-based processes like bread making or brewing.

What is the of the water quality?

well ive never gotten sick from tap well ive never gotten sick from tap