If of course, your opponent has committed a foul, then yes, you do get two shots/visits on the black ball. It would be unfair not to. Why should a player be allowed two shots when they are not on the black and the other player, who is on the black, not. Seem fair? See below for this variation of rules, that people have unofficially changed to suit themselves as there has never been a rule written down EVER about only one shot on the black from a foul.
You only ever have one shot on the black. It's surprising how many people think this variant makes sense. They suggest that having 2 shots on the black makes it too easy for the person who's on the black. Actually their variant makes it far too easy for the person who's NOT on the black.
Taken from.... http://www.arseweb.com/pool/uk_rules.HTML
only if the white ball is sunk
If of course, your opponent has committed a foul, then yes, you do get two shots/visits on the black ball. It would be unfair not to. Why should a player be allowed two shots when they are not on the black and the other player, who is on the black, not. Seem fair? See below for this variation of rules, that people have unofficially changed to suit themselves as there has never been a rule written down EVER about only one shot on the black from a foul.
The best way to learn trick shots in pool is to watch videos of them being performed, which you can do at sites like YouTube, and then practicing them on a real pool table.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of pool and billiard trick shots. Broadly, they can be divided into two categories: artistic shots and skill shots. Artistic shots are all in the setup and require minimal skill in order to make. These shots generally make multiple balls in multiple pockets all in the same shot. These are great to start out with as they only require a bit of knowledge and some patience to learn the setup. Skill shots are those that use typical pool game skills and may take them to extremes. Basic skill shots would be follow shots, draw shots, and bank/kick shots. More extreme skill shots include jump shots and masse shots, where you make the cue ball curve. These shots tend to be easier to learn if you have a mastery of your pool stroke already. Skill shots can also include novelty shots which wouldn't be encountered in a typical pool game. These include speed shots, wing shots (shooting at a moving object ball), juggling shots (shooting a moving cue ball), one-handed shots, opposite handed shots, shots using multiple cues, or combinations thereof. There are many resources in print and online that diagram a number of trick shots. Most use a categorization scale so you know which ones are the easier ones that are better to start off with if you're just learning.
Yes, it is a foul. The opposing player gets 2 shots from within the semi-circle.
The Pool of the Black One was created in 1933.
A "Black-Eye" a Starbucks is a brewed coffee & 2 shots of espresso. So a grande Coffee is 330mg +75mg +75mg(for the 2 shots). =480mg I drink that every morning.
about 2 rebabes shots
Geometry--it is all about the angles that you plan your shots
Too much iron in a pool can cause things to turn black. Speak with your pool shop about the right treatment.
There is no such thing as a "backshot" in pool. The question may refer to draw of a cue ball or a "kick shot". In both cases, there is no limit to using draw or kick shots in pool except on the break, when one of the first 2 ball at the apex must be struck by the cue ball.
2 shots below par is an Eagle.