

If a pool smells like chlorine is it imbalanced?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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12y ago

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This question can only be answered by testing the water. There are alot more parameters to water being balanced than just chlorine. I would rather swim in a pool that smelled like chlorine than not. At least you know there is some chlorine in the water..

THE ABOVE IS WRONG!!! If you smell "chlorine" you do not have enough free chlorine in the water. Chlorine in and of itself is odorless. The only time it smells is when it combines with organic compounds like skin cells, tanning lotions, etc. What you are smelling is "combine chlorine" which is incapable of sanitizing the water. You must therefore "shock" the pool with a high dose of chlorine or other substance to get rid of the combined chlorine and leave sufficient amounts of "free" chlorine available to disinfect the water. If a pool smells...don't swim in it until they add more chlorine!

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Q: If a pool smells like chlorine is it imbalanced?
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To get rid of chemical smells in a swimming pool, you can first check the pH and chlorine levels to ensure they are balanced. Increasing the pool's water circulation and adding activated carbon or a pool deodorizer can help absorb and eliminate the chemical odors. Regular pool maintenance and proper water treatment will also prevent future chemical smells in the pool.

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To tell how acidic it is you can use pH strips. --- Hopefully not. There's so much chlorine in our tap water that when you turn on the cold water it smells like a swimming pool.

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No, pool shock is normally a really strong chlorine and stabilizer is like sunscreen for the chlorine

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Yes it does just like a chlorine pool.

Is pool chlorine really chlorine?

Yes, pool chlorine is typically a compound called calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite, which release chlorine when dissolved in water. This chlorine acts as a disinfectant to kill bacteria and other microorganisms in the pool.

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Swimming in chemically imbalanced swimming pool can give harm into your health. You need to keep in mind that every pool must have clean water, free from algae, dirt and sediments. There are may tips that you can get online on how to properly balance your swimming pool chemicals.

Why is your pool water foggy?

You're pool has run out of cholorine. Without a sanatizer your pool will turn cloudy and then green. Shock it right away and make sure you have enough chlorine to sanatize. You also have to run the pump longer to filter out contaminants. You are not adding enough chlor I have a question what if your pool water goes from green to blue foggy water? Then what do u do to fix it? My dad has tried almost everything!

What does chlorine smell of?

Chlorine smells very similar to bleach. Swimming pools are normally disinfected with chlorine and you may be able to smell it at one. Most people would tell you that at swimming pools it is the Chlorine you can smell, but actually it's the Chlorine reacting with substances in the water i.e. Urine

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It sounds like the chlorine generator is broken

Why does a salt water pool smell like chlorine?

A salt water pool does not actually smell like chlorine. The smell comes from chloramines, which are compounds produced when chlorine combines with contaminants in the water. Salt water pools use a chlorine generator to create chlorine from salt, but should have lower levels of chloramines compared to traditional chlorine pools.