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A tissue.

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Q: I can be thrown off a building and i won't break i can be thrown in a car and won't break but if you throw me in a river or an ocean i will break into pieces what am i?
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What won't break if broked from a high building but into the ocean and it will?

Water you idiot!

What is the usual result when the ocean break pebbles into smaller and smaller pieces?

Eventually sand is formed.

What kind of glacier has pieces that break off as icebergs?

A tidewater glacier is a type of glacier that flows into the sea. As the glacier reaches the ocean, pieces of ice break off to form icebergs in a process known as calving.

What is a burial at sea?

It is when the casket is thrown into the ocean.

How long does plastic last in the ocean?

Plastic can take hundreds to thousands of years to break down in the ocean, depending on the type of plastic and the environmental conditions. However, even when it does break down, it just fragments into smaller pieces called microplastics, which continue to persist in the environment.

How does a iceburg form?

Icebergs are formed when large pieces of ice break off of glaciers. These chunks of ice will begin to float away until they reach the ocean.

How many pieces of trash are in the ocean?

16 pieces

When was International Ocean Shipping Building created?

International Ocean Shipping Building was created in 2000.

How big are the pieces to the global puzzle?

The ocean pieces are regular jigsaw pieces, which are between 1 - 2 inches each side. The countries pieces are between a half inch to 3 inches each side The smaller countries are combined to abide by safety standards. The larger countries are cut along the borders, but split into 2 or more pieces, so they don't break.

Where do whitecaps break?

whitecaps break in the open ocean

Did the titanic break into pieces when it sunk?

i do not believe that it did i think it just sunk down to the bottom f the ocean. i m not sure but if you need it for a question for school. ask ur teacher. hope this helps=)

What happened to 2pacs remains?

newtest3 he was creamated and at his funeral his ashes were thrown in the ocean