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Most pool jets are a simple push in affair. Just get a screw driver between the pool wall and the flange on the jet and wiggle it until it starts to come loose. be careful however some of them screw into place.

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13y ago

If you mean the pool returns, you will have to experiment with the valve settings when the filtration system is running. put the settings in different positions and see what happens.

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How do you make a pool deck jet?

Deck jets are considered to be a relaxation tool for pool addicts. You can also use it to control temperature during the summers. You can make a pool deck jet by purchasing a water sprinkler that spouts water out into the pool.

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The only reason the pool would turn green would be if the Baquacil is not entirely out of the pool and it reacts with the Chlorine.

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Stop adding salt to the pool and use tablets and shock when needed.

Self cleaning pool and the jets do not pop up anymore?

You probably have a water pressure problem check the pump and filters

Can chlorine from a pool on your body turn to chloroform?

Chlorine from a pool cannot turn directly into chloroform on your body. Chloroform is a separate chemical compound that is not formed by simply having chlorine from a pool on your body.

Can you convert a hottub into a pool?

yes, you can turn a pool into a giant hot tub.

Who is youngest football player?

there is a player who just turn 20 either on patriots or jets

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How can you tell if your pool hoses are letting air into the pool?

The simplest way is by noticing bubbles where the jets go back into the pool area. Air gets trapped underneath water as bubbles, so if you see bubbles, you have a leak in that line from the filter or pump, leading back to the pool. If all your jets are creating bubbles, then there is an air leak in either your pump or filter.