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No more than 2ppm of chlorine! The stabilizer will be based on how much you use the pool. Finding an altrnative to chlorine such as the UV pool sanitizer would be best. 5.25 lbs of stablizer should take care of your initial boost assuming you don't have any stablizer in the pool at all. The rule of thumb for stablized chlorine type pools is 3 lbs per 20,000 gallons of pool water.

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15y ago
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17y ago

It needs to be "shocked" first. Depending on the shock packages it varies. Go to a pool supply place or somewhere and read the package for the recommended amount. Then just dump them in. Then it just needs to be maintaned by various means. Either the floating type dispensors or the one that goes through the pump. Just adjust the openings to get the desired amount of chlorine. I hope this helps you. Good luck.

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14y ago

you need to have ~5ppm of chlorene in the pool. the best way is to get a test strip to find out how much chorene is in the pool now, and then you can add shock until you are in the correct level. You need to know the depth of the pool to figure out the number of gallons in the pool. obviously a pool that is 20' x 30' and 12 feet deep will have more water then one that is 1 foot deep,

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12y ago

None if you use tablets to chlorinat it. The tablets come with stabilizer already included.

Get a floater and place tablets in it and you are all set.

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15y ago

enough to achieve 50 ppm.

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Q: How much chlorine is used in a pool 20 by 30 feet?
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Related questions

How much chlorine is used in a swimming pool?

Chlorine level should stay between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (ppm) to maintain a healthy pool.

How much chlorine shall you use in a pool?

The amount of chlorine used in a pool varies and depends on the amount of use it gets weather conditions and the amount of air borne bio contamination.

Is pool shock the same as chlorine?

Pool shock typically contains a higher concentration of chlorine compared to regular pool chlorine products. Pool shock is used to quickly raise the chlorine levels in the water to kill bacteria and algae, while regular pool chlorine is used for maintenance and to keep the chlorine levels stable over time.

What are Other names for chlorine?

Other names for chlorine include Cl2, diatomic chlorine, and "pool shock" when used in pool disinfection.

How much chlorine should be used for a pool that is 18' wide and 4' deep?

Get a test kit

What element is used to clean bacteria out of a pool?

Chlorine is the most common element used to clean bacteria out of a pool. It is added to pool water in the form of chlorine tablets or liquid chlorine to sanitize and disinfect the water.

How can you tell when too much chlorine has been used in a pool?

when that persons eyes are burning or when there body is burning

What are the ingredients in pool chlorine?

Pool Chlorine are generally used as stabilizer and conditioner and they mainly comprise of Cyanuric acid, popularly Known as CYA. It decreases the rate of decay of chlorine in the pool by sunlight.

What chemical is used to disinfect swimming pool water?

The most widest used disinfectant is Chlorine

Is the chlorine used by a pool chlorinator the same as household bleach?

Yes, the chlorine used by a pool chlorinator is typically the same as household bleach, which is sodium hypochlorite. Both are used to disinfect and sanitize water, but the concentration may differ. Pool chlorine is usually more concentrated than household bleach.

Can you use pool chlorine in washing machine?

I do. Use half as much. Pool chlorine is 12.5% sodium hypochlorite Laundry bleach that I use is 6% sodium hypochlorite. Sometimes I dilute the pool chlorine by one part water to one part pool chlorine and use it just like regular laundry bleach.

Is the chlorine produced in saltwater pool any different from a health or environmental perspective than chlorine used in chlorine pool?

salt water pools don't use chlorine salts, they are bromine salts. So yes, saltwater pool are better for you.