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Q: How much TDS in water is safe for us?
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How do you convert conductivity and temperature to total dissolved solids TDS?

There is no direct conversion between conductivity, temperature, and total dissolved solids (TDS). Conductivity is often used as a proxy for estimating TDS, especially in water quality monitoring. TDS can be estimated using a conversion factor based on the specific characteristics of the water sample, but it is not a precise conversion. Temperature can affect conductivity readings, so it's essential to measure both parameters accurately when estimating TDS.

Percent access to safe water in the US?

almost 100% of people in the us have accsess to clean water

Does the us have safe drinking water?

Yes they do or most people would be dead.

Why is bottled water not safe for our environment?

Because the polluted air make it harm for drinking for us

How many people in US do not have access to safe drinking water?

there is none they have polluted water every wear but in some countries they have a higher risk of polluted water

Why is natural water is not considered safe for drinking?

Because the polluted air make it harm for drinking for us

How much water in a cubic meter of water?

About 264.2 (US) gallons.

Is tap water safe to drink in Chicago il?

Yes it should be. Water goes through many purification stages before it reaches your tap, so you should be fine.

What were the effects of the atomic bomb on the water on nagasaki?

Water was safe to drink but the bombs had destroyed the water plants therefore the people had no water and the US delivered 15 million gallon a day.

How much water in 1323 cubic inches?

5.7 US gallons of water.

How much water in 1008 cubic inch?

4.36 US gallons of water.

Does water drops come from clouds?

Yes, water droplets in the form of rain can come from clouds when the water vapor in the clouds condenses and forms liquid droplets that eventually fall to the ground.