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SHORT ANSWER: If you're healthy 220-pound medium-athletic male with some, not much, body fat (like me), swimming 100 laps every day in 25-meter pool for an hour (like me), it takes 500 laps (I'm losing 1 pound a week now). But really, it depends SO MUCH on other stuff ,especially how and what you eat.. If you swim slower (say, 2 hours), you need to swim more laps. For fat people, it's more laps. For warm pools, it's a bit more laps. For females, not athletic, or not working out 5 times a week - it depends on how much you eat more than on your workout.

A rule of thumb: swimming hard for 1 hour (80-120 laps in 25-meter pool) 5 days a week, if you're 200 pounds and can swim freestyle non-stop for an hour, will burn you ~500 calories. That's one pound a week, because one pound of fat is 3500 calories, IF you eat NO MORE than 2200 calories per day. That's because if you swim every day for an hour, your metabolism accelerates so much that you need 2700 calories, and to lose 1 pound a week, you need to eat no more than 2200 calories. This can differ for everyone greatly just because of genetics.

You have to count ALL calories. E.g. that fish oil Omega Fat Acid pill is 10 calories. Count it in. If you don't want to get ill, you'll need to get all essential nutrients and it normally means giving up sweets, pastries, most fatty foods. You can have one candy a day. When you start losing weight, you may be able to afford one slice of a cheesecake. That's the scale, no more. You can't overeat one day and then "catch up" next day, because the first day you'll create fat , and next day your body will devour muscles, not the other way around. That's how the body works, and there's a good reason for it.

To compute precisely how many laps per pound of fat, it depends on your weight, your general physique, and how fast and what style you swim. It also depends on the lenght of the pool, temperature of the water, and obviously after swimming you get more hungry, so you tend to eat those calories back.

It's all approximately computable, but depends on so many factors that you need to read a nutrition book to understand that your question is too vague to have a definite answer.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Depends on what kind of exercise you are doing, how much body fat you have, and age just to name a few variables.

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13y ago

That truly depends on your speed and what your BMR is, so you cant really get an

acurate answer of of this website.

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