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Q: How long you wait to paintafter acid wash your pool?
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How long of a wait to shock a pool after adding muriatic acid?

Approx. 5 to 15 minutes. Or enough time for the circulation system to disperse the chlorine. Or you could add it to the opposite side of the pool. Remember not to add the acid to closely to the skimmer or main drain.

How long to wait to swim after adding hydrocloric acid to pool?

Acid dilutes very fast, add it to your pool (while running to help circulation) and you should be ready to swim in about 30min. Best way to add it is by using a 5gal bucket, fill it so that you have room to add the acid then walk around the pool pouring into the edges of the pool. This will keep from damaging your plaster especially if your pool has dark plaster or pebble tech plaster. Hope you found this helpful..

How long do you have to wait after pool is cleaned?

Sometimes when my mom and dad gives the chemical anyway the pool.

How long after vaginal surgery must you wait before going into the pool?

Until the pool is open for business

How long before eating should you wait before going in a pool?

Wait one hour for a good protective measure.

How long do you have to wait to go swimming after getting highlights?

I depends if it is a chlorinated pool. If so, wait 24-72 hours. If it is natural water, you do not have to wait.

How long do you have to wait to go swimming in a school pool after having your eyebrow pierced?

you dont

How soon can you swim after adding muriatic acid?

Our pool guy comes in the early afternoon/late morning every Monday. I check the pool PH around 5 pm, and the readings are all right I would say five hours? That's our pool, though, I would get one of the PH testing kits you can get at pretty much any pool supply store.Hope this helps!Mrs. GregoryAnswerOur pool installer told us to wait 3 hours after adding acid to the pool. We use the liquid form, so I don't know if the wait time is different for other forms.

How long do you have to wait to go swimming after you get your lip pierced?

There Is No Time You Have To Wait, This All Depends On Personal Preferation. As Long As You Go Swimming In A Pool Containing Chlorine You Will Be Fine.

How much water evaporates from a pool 4413.72 square meters?

If you wait long enough, all of it!

How long should you wait after adding shock to a pool can you put the solar cover back on?


I sprayed a wasp killing spray in the pool to kill wasp. How long do I have to wait to swim in the pool?

It is not that you have to wait for it to desolve, those were poisonous chemicals that could harm you. If it is a mobile pool drain it and then fill it up again. The same thing with in ground pools or above ground.