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Q: How long should it take after shocking yellow water in hot tub to become clear?
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Will shocking your foggy pool make it clear?

It might otherwise use a copper based algaecide at the same time and that should do it.

In CPR what is clearing the victim?

You clear the victim when using the AED; clear before the AED analyzes and before shocking.

Is semen normally dark yellow?

No. It should always be white or clear. Yellow semen indicates problems with the prostate gland.

Is semen a thick liquid like yellow floating over a thinner clear liquid?

semen should be a thick clear substance

Can you go in a pool if the free chlorine is low?

Yes, but you should shock it so the water stays clear (do not go in after shocking until the chlorine is at a safe level 1-3ppm)

What color is crayfish blood?

cooked crayfish are sometimes moldy green with yellow in places where it has gone bad. before cooked they are orange with whiskers. green is when you should eat it and you should eat it fast or it will dry up and turn yellow.

Why your unine is dark yellow?

Urine is yellow because of the waste matter it contains. However, your urine should certainly not be dark yellow. If it is not clear, then you are dehydrated, and need to drink much more water.

What color should urine be when your adequately hydrated?

Lightesh yellow to clear it shows that your body has been properly filtered.

Why is your urine gray?

Urine shouldn't be grey; it should be clear to yellow, depending. If your urine is the wrong color, or has a strong odor, you should consult your doctor.

What is the major difference between yellow diamonds and clear diamonds?

The major difference between yellow diamonds (also known as fancy yellow diamonds) and clear diamonds is their color. Yellow diamonds get their color from nitrogen impurities in the crystal structure, while clear diamonds, also known as colorless diamonds, have no noticeable color impurities. Yellow diamonds are considered unique and rare, while clear diamonds are more traditional and popular for engagement rings.

What exams you need to clear to become an astronaut or how can you become an astronaut?

You have to clear the exams required to become an astronauts.

What is this snotty looking vaginal discharge?

If it is clear, don't worry it's normal. If it is yellow or green or has a strong smell, you should check for infection.