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You can't become a mermaid. They are not real and humans can not change shape into other things. It is all make believe.

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15y ago

Mermaids are fictional creatures. They do not exist in reality. If you are asking how you turn into a girl mermaid in a game, please say so in your question.

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Related questions

Can a girl become a mermaid?

Mermaids do not exist. They are make believe and are from myth and legends. People can not turn into any thing or a mermaid. You have to stay human.

How did mermaid girl die?

'Mermaid girl' died of pneumonia.

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There is no girl who saw a mermaid. They are not real and do not exist.

Can the water from maco island turn you into a mermaid?

Yes,you can really turn into a mermaid

Can you have a Mermaid spell pleas?

There are no spells that will turn you into a mermaid.

Can Lauren Ashley Howard turn into a mermaid?

No one can turn into a mermaid. They are not real. They are make believe.

The spirits of the deep mermaid spell?

There are no spells that will turn you into a mermaid.

How can you becaome a mermaid then turn back?

I hate to disapoint you but there is no scieentific basis behind the idea that a person can in fact turn into a mermaid under any circumstance.

How did you turn into a mermaid because want to see if could turn into one?

You can NOT turn into a mermaid. People can not physically change into other things. Mermaids do not exist and are not real. It is all make believe. You will never be a mermaid.

Can you turn into a h2o mermaid?

no you can not.

Can you actually turn into a mermaid?


Can you do a mermaid spell a 4TH time?

You can do a mermaid spell a million times and you won't become a mermaid. Magic spells are not real and can NOT turn you into a mermaid. Mermaids are not real. People can not turn into anything. It is all make believe.