Just use a flea shampoo and then a collar after wards or one of those flea prevention meds you add to their food.
Another option would be to start your puppy on a flea/tick preventative like Frontline, Advantage or Revolution. These medications, while expensive, also help control other parasites. If you have a severe infestation on your puppy or in your house, I suggest talking with a veterinarian or a professional pest exterminator.
You can treat puppies with any topical flea treatment like Advantix. The puppies need to be 7 weeks old before you can use this product on the puppy. To treat a puppy younger than 7 weeks for fleas just apply the treatment to the mother and her close contact with the puppies will rid them of fleas.
I would use a non residual aerosol labeled for fleas with a growth regulator. You should use non-residual only on a mattress to avoid irritation.
First you need to treat the ferret for fleas, then you wash the bedding.
Fleas on a rabbit are just called fleas, and a rabbit with fleas is just called a rabbit with fleas. If your rabbit has fleas, the safest way to treat it is to take the rabbit to a vet.
It is not safe to pet a cat with fleas because fleas can transmit diseases to humans. It is important to treat the cat for fleas before handling them.
Yes. But so can fleas, so you might want to treat for fleas too.
The mother must have fleas and passed them on. you need to treat them before they become annemic
Take the hampster to a vet.
just like you would with a normal dog with frontline plus, ect.
From being outside and rubbing on trees,grasses,and other vegetation. Fleas live in trees and grasses and they just wait for an animals to come and they jump on the fur and they just stick to them.
Puppies may be so cute, but they can be harmful to other animals or even childern in the home. Puppies can nip, bite, spread fleas (If outside most of the time), and can scratch. Puppies should be trained to not nip at a young age. They should have their own chey toys, because sharing toys with other dogs can put the puppy in danger. Puppies should regularly, be treated for fleas and ticks, and Puppies should also have their nails regularly clipped.
bring it to the vet and ask them how to and then do it they should give u medication to get read of the fleas