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An open-air swimming pool is also known as a Freibad

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Q: How do you spell swimming pool in German?
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How do you spell swimming in German?


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pwll nofio

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une piscine

What is swimming pool in English?

'Swimming Pool', sometimes shortened to 'Pool'.

How do you say pool in German?

If you are referring to a swimming pool then German translations are: Schwimmbad Schwimmbecken Freibad Hallenbad It can also, depending on context, be translated as Lache, Pfütze, Tümpel (pool of water) Spieleinsatz (poker pool) Ansammlung Pool, Poolbilliard (game of pool) As a verb: vereinen zusammenschließen ansammeln zusammenlegen bündeln

How do snakes get out of your swimming pool?

Well I mean call I guy that deals with snakes U know what I mean I can not spell it

How do you make a pool on sims 2?

On the build mode go to misalanies (sorry can't spell :S) then click on the swimming pool icon and then make sure you have enough space and then drag it and then make sure it is green and left go and you should have a swimming pool ! :D

What is measurement and label of the swimming pool?

it depends on which swimming pool

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What are swimming pool "Coopers"

What does Baden mean in German?

Bad at the beginning of a German-language place name is equivalent to spa in English place names. Compare Bad Honnef with Leamington Spa, for example.In all other contexts in German, Bad (plural Baeder) means bath, bathroom.It can also mean pool, as in Schwimmbad (swimming pool) or Freibad (open-air pool)

Does kids corner have a swimming pool in loughton?

No KidsCorner does not have a swimming pool.

Does st martins school have a swimming pool in it?

wats a swimming pool