et j'aime nager
Aimez-vous la natation
Nager is to swim.'J'aime nager' is 'I like to swim.''J'aime nager avec mes amies' is 'I like to swim with my friends.'"la natation" (feminine noun) is swimming as a sport.
"To swim" is "nager" pronounced "nahj-ay"
pitch black is translated 'nuit noire' in French.
Black gloves are 'des gants noirs' in French.
Black bear in French is "ours noir."
léche moi et fait moi jouir
in French, black beauty is 'beauté noire'
You would say "chien noir" in French.
the verb is "nager" Je nage I swim Tu nages You swim Il/Elle nage He/she swims Nous nageons We swim Vous nagez You swim (polite adressing or "you" in plural) Ils nagent They swim
A beautifu black butterfly is "un beau papillon noir" in French.