Diatomaceous Earth
As long as you are using the food grade version of diatomaceous earth, it will not hurt you. However do not take the pool grade version.
You pour it slowly into the skimmers and it stays in the filter
You do not need to remove it.
Diatomaceous Earth, commonly known as DE, can be found in any home improvement store in the pool supplies section. Although it has many other uses, it's commonly used for swimming pool filters.
if you had lots of algae in your water, then shocked it, it might look that way until the filter can remove all of it, or perhaps if you have a diatomaceous earth filter it is malfunctioning. how can i get rid of the snow? Do you mean foam? Ya gotta be more specific. Just what did you put in the pool prior to this event? Is the water cloudy? What?
Yes if you add too much or add it before it can dissolve it will end up sitting on the bottom of the pool.
There are many different people who have used diatomaceous earth just for those reasons. Just make sure you use the food grade version for diatomaceous earth.
You need different filters for the pool, such as: sand filters, cartridge filters, and the diatomaceous earth or DE filter. Pool cleaning supplies are also good to have, such as: brushes, water level checkers, nets to get out debris, and cleaners like chlorine. Test strips will be needed for tracking the balance of your PH levels.
I think you have a fault pool filter. The filter is filled with diatomaceous earth to trap algae and other particles. When there is a 'filter' to trap the diatomaceous earth and these other particles inside the filter until you clean it out. You probably have a leak so that the diatomaceous earth flows out of the filter together with the water that circulates trough it Correction: The filter is not "filled" with D E. There is only enough D E to lightly cover the internal grids. If one of them is torn or has a hole in it - there may be more than one bad one - you will get D E back to the pool each time the pump is turned on. Turn off the circuit breaker, releave the entrapped air from the filter, open the filter, remove as much De as possible then remove the grid assembly. Inspect all 8 filter grids for damage or tears and replace. When in doubt as to age of grids - replace. Reassemble filter, turn on the power and pump, add the correct amount of D E - see instructions on bag of D E - you should be ready for another 10 to 12 months of filter service before it has to be done all over again. This does not eliminate the need to back wash the filter as needed each month.
Diatomaceous Earth is great to use to prevent slugs from eating hosta. You can buy it at gardening stores or swimming pool supply stores. You can also buy it from Amazon.