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First of all I'm not a pool expert, but I've owned a pool for a bought 25 yrs. I live in Ohio and I have a 20,000 gallon vinyl liner pool with a sand filter system. First thing you need to do is make sure your alkalinity is at least 50 ppm. for copper sulfate to work properly. My pool used to be totally dark green when I opened it. I now use 2 to 3 table spoons of copper sulfate when I open it in the spring and it goes from green to clean in a bought 2 days. It may be a little cloudy at first, but when you get your alkalinity, chlorine, stabilizer, and PH where it belongs, it will clear up. I also use the same amount in the fall when I close it, but make sure you circulate the water for 2 days before you close it. Make sure you mix the copper sulfate with water in a plastic container, make sure the blue crystals are dissolved. I use a 2 gallon plastic container with a sprinkler head on it like you use to water flowers with, this makes it easy to sprinkle the copper sulfate mixed with water in the pool evenly. You can buy copper sulfate at your local hardware store or on ebay. I'm sorry this information is so long, but I know what you're going through, because I've been through it. I hope this helps you. P.S. I only use copper sulfate in the spring and the fall. I do not use it during the season as a chlorine substitute as some people say they do, as to much copper in your water can cause you problems.

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15y ago
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11y ago

Follow the directions on the bottle of algaecide. For algae other than black you can be liberal, but for black algaecide follow the instructions to the letter. Blk algaecides have a tendency to restrict flow in your filter. Lastly, remember you are putting copper in your pool so too much over a long period of time can build up to a stain.

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13y ago

Addition of copper sulfate will poison your algae. It will also corrode any brass or zinc (galvanized) that it comes in contact with.

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9y ago

pour it in!

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Q: How do you put copper sulfate on a pond or in a pond?
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What would happen if you put calcium wity copper sulphate?

Calcium + Copper sulfate ----> Calcium sulfate + Copper It is a single displacement reactions. The products are Calcium Sulfate (white, insoluble) and fillings of copper(reddish-brown).

How much copper sulfate is needed to make the water in concrete pond clear?

The amount of copper sulfate needed to clear water in a concrete pond depends on the size of the pond and the level of clarity desired. A general guideline is to use 0.5-1.0 ppm (parts per million) of copper sulfate for controlling algae in ponds. However, it is important to follow manufacturer recommendations and consider the specific conditions of the pond to prevent over-treatment and potential harm to aquatic life.

What happens when nickel is put in a copper (II) sulfate solution?

When nickel is put in a copper (II) sulfate solution, a displacement reaction occurs where the nickel replaces the copper in the solution. This results in the formation of nickel sulfate and copper metal deposits on the surface of the nickel.

Can you eat fish from a pond with copper sulphate in it?

It is not recommended to eat fish from a pond containing copper sulfate, but if care is given it is not harmful. Humans can safely consume small amounts of copper, but in large amounts it can cause health problems.

What happens when you put copper sulphate in water?

When you put copper sulfate in water, it will dissolve and dissociate into copper ions (Cu2+) and sulfate ions (SO4 2-). This process creates a blue-colored solution due to the presence of copper ions in the water.

What will happen if you put an iron nail in a copper sulfate solution?

When an iron nail is placed in a copper sulfate solution, a single displacement reaction occurs. The iron will displace the copper in the solution, forming iron sulfate and depositing copper on the nail, causing it to turn a brownish color due to the presence of copper.

Is it safe to swim in a pond treated with copper sulfate?

Swimming in a pond treated with copper sulfate is not recommended as it can be harmful to human health. Copper sulfate can cause skin irritation and other health issues if ingested or if it comes in contact with the skin. It is best to wait until the copper sulfate has dissipated and the water quality is safe before swimming.

What is the Formula for copper (I) sulfate?

Copper sulfate has CuSO4 as its formula. Copper sulfate is also written copper (II) sulfate.

What is the formula for copper(I) sulfate?

Copper sulfate has CuSO4 as its formula. Copper sulfate is also written copper (II) sulfate.

Is copper sulfate a metal?

Copper sulfate is not a metal There are two compounds called Copper Sulfate, which are salts of the metal Copper. CuSO4 is Copper (II) Sulfate, once known as Cupric Sulfate. Cu2SO4 is Copper (I) Sulfate, once known as Cuprous Sulfate.

What solute is in copper sulfate solution?

The solute in a copper sulfate solution is copper sulfate (CuSO4).