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I am quoting a post in that was in pool problems....

This worked VERY well for me. No more bugs! I used BioGuard Back Up as my algecide. Once I balanced the water, I shocked it that night and poured in one bottle of the algecide and then I am adding 1/4 of the bottle each week.

Here is the quote from Godspeed:
To get rid of water bugs. Attack their way of living!
I had a problem with water bugs, and no way to get rid of them. Clorine wont kill them because because they breath the air!!! So here are some things you should do to elminate water bugs.

I see alot of posts from people with problems of backswimmers and boatmen

waterboatmen: are oval shaped bugs that do not bite, There food source is alge and minute aquatic organisms, they eat mosquito larvae and tend to eat small aquatic animals.

backswimmers: have a streamlined body shape and DO bite(as painful as a bee sting), the backswimmer is pradacous, they come to the surface for air, a supply of which they carry down with them under their wings and between the fine hairs covering the underside of the body

now I didnt some experimenting, since these bugs come up for water i caught a backswimmer put it in a bucket filled it with some water to swim, and put household lubricating oil in (which floats on the top) when the bug came up for air, it inhaled a bunch of oil dove down real quick swam sideways hit the side of the bucket several times then drowned. that is an effective way of killing them but is not practical to fill your swimming pool up with gasoline or oil just to get rid of them.

both waterboatmen and backswimmers can fly.
both lay eggs in underwater vegetation, in a swim pools case, "alge"
both can be found in mud at the bottom of streams, pools and ponds.
both NEED to come up for air, if you hold them down under water they will drown
both for pools, lay eggs in the alge.

The only way to get rid of them is to take away there food supply, for water boatmen its alge, for backswimmers its other water bugs such as waterboatmen or water beetles. the first step is clorination of course, shock the pool several times, scrub the alge off of the sides and bottoms of pool, scrub all alge after shocking. everytime you shock? SCRUB.

fishing them out with a skimmer works, make sure to kill them when you have skimmed them out, leave a bucket of water and oil close teehee!

after the population of the other water bugs has gone down for the backswimmers to live off of, they will start dying off, and/or finding another place to swim "next door neighbors pool"!

make sure the pool is heavily clorinated, make sure your filter is cleaned out DE filters especially, if you have an auto water refiller put a clorine tablet in it to keep the alge from growing in there. every area your pool has contact with water, make sure clorine is passing through.

Now this is the most important part, BUY ALGECIDE! BUY ALGECIDE! BUY ALGECIDE!

With no alge in the pool the bugs cannot and will not lay there eggs!

clorine is not effective unless the pool water is completely balanced Ph, alkalinity, hardness ect, so in case it is not, algecide is most effective of eliminating water bugs

So let me summarize this for you

1. clorinate, SHOCK over SHOCK for the first week everday, it might cost you, but if you want the bugs gone do it.
2. after shocking immediatly scrub the whole pool every corner that has contact with water even the skimmer, get the alge floating so the clorine kills it faster, the clorine no longer has to break through the alge stronghold on the pool serface, with alge free floating the clorine can erradicate it quicker.
3. ALGECIDE, there are some forms of alge that clorine does not kill, if you take away one bugs food supply they die, the predators will die and so on
4. Fish the bugs out, kill em. one less bug to lay a ton of eggs
5. Continue Alegice treatment indefinatly. if you live in an area with irrigation or standing water areas, water bugs can migrate. when they come to your pool and see theres nothing to eat they will leave. if they dont leave and decide to stay the night? fish em out crush them or drown them
6. keep your water balanced afterwords!

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8y ago

I have a huge problem with the backswimmers in my pool. I have spent a few hundred dollars and a lot of time to try and get rid of them and I just finally found the solution. All you have to do is get BioGuard brand Back-Up algaecide and put the whole bottle in your pool. I just put it in an hour ago and there are at least 50 dead bugs floating at the top of my pool. The rest of the bugs are on their way out and really struggling to stay alive. I bought the product from for half the cost that you can get it at the pool stores. I hope this helps someone else.

I am also currently having a problem with removal of the boatment from my above ground pool. Unfortunately, the research I have found indicates that there is no easy way to remove the critters.

Proper and frequent treatment of your pool (shock, chlorination) will remove the potential food sources they are looking for. Treatment, along with a good net and a lot of patience will keep them to a minimum. If you find a better answer, please let me know. Good luck and good swimming!

you should get corian bug--away and shok

Wait until night time, turn your pool light in the water on and wait for the little blighters to swim towards the light then scoop the buggers out.

Use BioGuard's Back Up on a regular basis. As soon as the product is introduced into the water, the bugs start having trouble and then begin floating towards the skimmer or the bottom. It takes care of wasps, bees, grasshoppers, and anything else that makes the mistake of entering the pool water. My son and I have made a collection of the various bugs killed in the pool. We donate the extras to his elementary school for examination!

There is a product here in Australia called No more Bugs. It basically drowns them. Boatman fly into the pool, mate and then fly out of the pool. Therefore they eventually leave.

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8y ago

According to the "pool man" the best way to get rid of them is to net them out and squash them. If you do not step on them they will find their way back to the water. Make sure all organic materials (i.e. poolside plants and debris do not make contact with your water as this is where they breed (...on plant life). I have also been told you can put dish washing detergent (or veg. oil; which I do not recommend, its difficult to clean later) in your water around the light area at night and this will suffocate them as they must surface occasionally to get air. The detergent stays on top and should block the ability to regain oxygen.

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16y ago

Firstly, these little creatures are hardy buggers - in some cases, they number in the hundreds and are very difficult to remove.

The first step is to ensure your pool is sanitized correctly. We arent just talking about throwing in some shock here but ensuring the PH is spot on and the chlorine content is maintained continiously. The proper sanitization removes any source of food for other insects which is what the backswimmers will feed from.

In my case, this is all it takes to get rid of the bugs but there are some that say that 1/4 - 1/2 a cup of dawn diswashing liquid will help to remove them - It may not be wise to dump this stuff into the pool so an alternative is to just use it to kill the bugs - put it in a bucket and dump the backswimmers you catch with your net into it - it will kill them.

There is also a product called bugout - ask at your pool shop and if they dont have it they should be able to order it or a similar product.

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16y ago

By backswimmer insects I presume you are refering to what is actually named a Water Boatman. These fellows appear to be non removable from a pool. You net them out and they fly back almost too fast to get them out of the net.

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15y ago

Please don't. Honey bees are having a hard time surviving these days. The have been suffering from many problems in recent years such as "colony colapse" and mite infestation. No cure has been discovered yet. Therefore, our entire food source is in jeopardy. Bees are pests and I will not have them around me. Get a can of spray from Home Depot and kill them.

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14y ago

You can take a handgun and carefully aim down the iron sights and start shooting at them...but make sure you get a permit first, or the cops will come to your house and take you away to jail...don't drop the soap, hahahaha!!

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