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Get 3"dia PVC.pipe cut to lenth,Invest in a small fountain pump there about $25 buy a wax ring that plumbers use for toilets.attach wax ring to PVC.pipe and put over stain you will need to put step latter in pool and hold pVC down. insert pump and pump water out of pipe.remove pump and hold hose to keep water from draining back down pipe. pour in myriatic acid and let set 30 min. take a soft brush or rag and wipe clean

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Use a metal remover product like Hydroquest or Superquest.

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15y ago

the rust color is from metals in the water you need a metal control chemical try sparkle brand conquest

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Q: How do you get rust spots off the bottom of a Mercite pool?
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How do you clean metal rust spots off bottom of pool liner Metal weights fell in pool during winter now large rings of rust on bottom?

My boss did something like that. Try ascorbic acid - try putting some vitamin C tablets in a sock and rubbing them on the rust. If that helps, then look for a chemical at your pool supplier that may be marketed as "stain remover" or "metal out". Also, have your water tested for metals if possible.

Will a silver dollar rust in the bottom of a pool?

A silver dollar cant rust, however you may get some oxidation as pool chlorine is an oxidant .

Could rust spots be caused from oak trees dropping sap in to the pool?

It could be if the sap has been there for a long tim.

What could be causing rust spots in an inground salt water pool?

Grass fert. -- if they are small BB sized -- it has iron in it. k

When you wash your wolfgang puck Knives in the dishwasher you get what looks like rust spots. What can you do about this?

The rust spots might be caused by rusting parts inside the dishwasher, such as under the 'wand' piece that rotates at the bottom of the dishwasher. Consult your manufacturer's Operating Manual FIRST then a hardware store manager for suggestions; different products can reduce rust---but not remove it completely. The part(s) will likely need replaced for the rust spots to stop on your knives.

How do you get rid of brown spots on bottom of pool?

Please describe the stain in detail. Large or small patches?; color? = rust, green, black, gray, blue, copper. How many? Type of shock used? Do you use tablet chlorine? Do you throw them into the pool so that they lay on the bottom? Answer thru my message board.

Your pool vacuum is causing tiny rust spots on your pool floorHow can you fix this?

If the wheels are metal, replace them with plastic. Most likely not the vac or wheels. Are you sure its the vac ? New answer: Are you sure it is the vac? Do you have a lawn fairly near the pool? Have you or your gardener fertilized lately? The rust could be from pellet fertilizer - it has iron in it. Or iron could be coming from your pool heater if it has cast iron headers. K

Is Evapo-Rust safe to use on car paint with rust spots?

Evapo-Rust is safe to use on car paint with rust spots. It is a non-toxic and non-corrosive rust remover that won't harm the paint when used properly. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the product label and rinse the treated area thoroughly after use.

How do rust spots develop on paver tiles and do they weaken the tiles?

I don't know how the rust spots got there but they wont effect the strength of the tiles

How do you clean rust spots?

lemonjuice and salt.

Is rust a count noun or a non-count noun?

The noun rust is a non-count noun. Units of rust are worded as 'spots of rust' or 'patches of rust'

Why does my new one week old new in ground gunite salt water system pool have black spots in many areas of the plaster on the bottom and sides?

Are they actually black (possibly black algae)? How large? Are they expanding? Are they rust spots? Frequently metal shavings from the mixer used on the plaster. Also other possibilities such as metals from the water supply source. A local professional, hopefully from the company that built your pool, should be able to analyze this. Tough to diagnose without visual input.