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Please describe the stain in detail. Large or small patches?; color? = rust, green, black, gray, blue, copper. How many? Type of shock used? Do you use tablet chlorine? Do you throw them into the pool so that they lay on the bottom? Answer thru my message board.

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15y ago

Try Putting some chlorine granules in a sock and lay it directly on the stain for a little while.

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15y ago

uhhh...maybe you can repaint that part of the pool when there is no water.

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Q: How do you get rid of brown spots on bottom of pool?
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How do get rid of brown spots?

Soap and water!

How do you get rid of the brown stuff at the bottom of the pool that goes right though the vacuum?

Use a suction vacuum plugged into your skimmer to vacuum to waste.

Your pool does not have a to waste pump function. How do you get rid of the floc stuff on the bottom of your pool?

(Note : "floc" is the flakes that come out of colloidal suspension of pool chemicals.) You need to vacuum the floc from the bottom. However if you can't set your pool to waste, you can disconnect the pump hose from the pool and run it normally.

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There is no way to get rid of the brown spots that appear on leaves of a persimmon tree. This is a symptom of leaf blight disease, and there is a way to prevent it from spreading, if you remove the infected plant matter immediately, but fungicide treatments are not usually warranted to control leaf spot or leaf blight.

Why would there be brown algae on the bottom of a gunite pool and how do you get rid of it?

Brown algae in a gunite pool can be caused by poor water circulation, lack of proper sanitation, or environmental conditions. To get rid of it, you can increase the pool's chlorine levels, scrub the affected areas with a brush, and vacuum the algae debris. It's also important to maintain proper pool circulation, filtration, and chemical balance to prevent future algae growth.

How do you rid your 12x36 above ground pool of the iron residue that has settled on the floor of the pool due to well water?

Try casting a flocculant let it settle for a couple of days and then vacuum the bottom layer of water to waste you will see the layer you want to remove on the bottom of the pool. check with your pool shop for a good brand of flocculant.

Does perfume get rid of spots?

No - that's just a myth ! The best way to get rid of spots - is washing regularly with an anti-bacterial soap.

What chemicals can be used in chlorinated pool water to remove the greyish snot like growth from the bottom of the pool and what is this growth?

This could be just settled clarifier if it is the best e=way to get rid of it id to vacuum it to waste. if you can get a sample of it and ask your pool shop what it is.

What can you do to get rid of a black coffee stain along certain areas of the bottom of your pool and up the sides?

I would recommend Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

How do you get rid of acne on your backside?

Well as i suffer from this i find the best way is to rub vaseline on my bottom everynight before i go to bed. this reduces spots and cures redness.

What kind of algae grow in pools?

pool algae...YUCK!!!! it's algae basiclly and it grows FAST!!!!!!! Basiclly the picture tells all. The pool became green and don't imagine swimming in it!!! This is echosong101lol speaking to the person who wrote this^^^^^ Pool algae is not that bad you know.Its nature.To be honest, I wouldn't mind swimming in it.(I would just want goggles)!!