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I've fought this fight for several years and here's the only thing I've found that works. First clean the pool every week without fail. Brush down all the surfaces in the pool (sides, bottom, stairs, leaf basket - everything) and then let it settle for several hours. Vacuum the loose stuff out of the pool and then treat with sanitizer, algecide, and shock as your handbook directs. If you live where it gets very hot (like Texas where I live) you'll probably have to use the Performance algecide. There are two STRONG algecide types in the Baquacil brand. Either one works well but you have to follow the directions. When I've had actively growing algae, I usually use one whole bottle after cleaning the pool. I've got a 20,000 gallon pool so you might not use the entire bottle. Check the directions. Bottom line is clean and vacuum it often. When ever you clean, but your pump on "waste" setting so the algae doesn't accumulate in your filter sand.

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Q: How do you get rid of algae in a baquacil pool?
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How do you convert from baquacil to chlorine if algae is present in the pool?

To get rid of algae in a Baquacil pool, the best thing to use is the Performance Algaecide. The algae will actually get worse if converting because you have to wait until the Baqua reading is at zero before converting which could take at least several days because the Oxidizer is designed to last for an entire month. I can send you instructions by e-mail re converting from baquacil to chlorine and/or the saline system. E-mail me. What is your email address?

Do you have more algae when using baquacil vs chlorine?

No. Actually it is more common to acquire algae in a Chlorine pool. The Baquacil Performance Algaecide is the strongest algaecide they make and very effective against killing algae. Maintaining the Oxidizer and Sanitizer readings do a great job of preventing algae where with a CL pool, in hot temps as soon as the CL reading drops below 1 the pool starts to turn green and the floors and walls feel slimy.

Where can you buy Baquacil?

Baquacil pool care systems try following the link below

How do you measure the chlorine in a baquacil pool?

To measure chlorine in a Baquacil pool, you can use a test kit specifically designed for non-chlorine pools. These kits typically test for the sanitizer levels in Baquacil pools, such as hydrogen peroxide and peroxide-based products. Follow the instructions on the test kit to accurately measure the sanitizer levels in your Baquacil pool.

Why does your pool turn green now that you switched from baquacil to chlorine?

The only reason the pool would turn green would be if the Baquacil is not entirely out of the pool and it reacts with the Chlorine.

Foam in a baquacil pool?

Foam in a pool that uses Baquacil can have a leak in return hose. It can also be the result of putting too much product in the pool. You should check the chemical levels in the pool.

Will SoftSwim by Baquacil harm a plaster pool?


What is a sand-like residue on the bottom of your above ground pool and how can you get rid of it?

Sounds like you have water mold. We had the same problem. We use baquacil chemicals instead of chlorine. Baquacil ultra is made to get rid of the mold. It worked for us. If you are using chlorine, you may need to see if there is a chemical to use for it.

Do you get less algae when using baquacil rather than chlorine?

i am no sure what it is

When your pool water gets out of balance when using Baquacil do you have go the pool center or can you adjust it yourself?

If you have Baquacil Test Strips then going to the Pool Center would not be necessary, you can just do it yourself and adjust the readings.

What do you do if your pool turned dark green and the pool place had you dump 3 gallons of baquacil shock and 1 quart of algacide in it but 3 days later and after lot of vaccuuming it did not clear?

If pool has a sand filter then you may need to do some heavy backflushing or possible put new sand in it. Also, be sure pump is working correctly! If the pool is green due to algae, the best product to use would be the Baquacil Performance Algaecide. It is the strongest algaecide. The normal maintence algaecide is not designed to kill algae only prevent. Oxidixer should be added after the algae is killed because the algae will override it. If your pool was regularly paintained with chlorine and not Baquacil then the pool store did you a disservice in switching you over to the Baquacil. You should return to the store to get further instructions after stating what you did or did not do prior to adding the Baquacil, what you did after adding the store product including the history of the pool, bather load, run time of the pump or anything that will give the store a direction in which to take. Obviously something is wrong. It could be your filtration system is not adequate for the pool size or bather load. Then of oucrse there is the neglect factor prior to the pool turning on you. re shock your pool with chlorine follow up by using Flock run pool filter on by pass or if you have a filter that does not use sand or earth just a disposable filter remove the filter, for 12 hours then let shut off and let settle for 6 to 8 hours. You will find a cloud in the center of the pool. keep the vacuum above the cloud do not move fast let the cloud be sucked up do not push around. be sure to run this water outside the pool and not through the filter.