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In all probability you cannot. Laminate is made of MDF board and once it has been wet, it usually will not flatten out. MDF is made with extreme pressure to make it flat.

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Q: How do you flatten a soaked floor board. I put a plastic bowl of hot water on a laminate floor and its swollen and has a huge lump in it. How can I get rid of the lump?
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One method is to freeze the plastic by applying ice or a freezer pack, then gently scrape it off with a plastic scraper or credit card. You can also try using a hairdryer to soften the plastic before wiping it off with a cloth soaked in vinegar or WD-40. Be cautious not to scratch the chrome surface while removing the melted plastic.

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It depends what the object is. If it can soak up water then yes. If it is made of plastic then no.

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The other word is soaked, as in soaked to the skin.

How do you get salt stains out of plastic?

One method is to create a cleaning solution of warm water and vinegar, and then wipe the plastic surface with a soft cloth soaked in the solution. For stubborn salt stains, you can also try using a paste made of baking soda and water to gently scrub the affected area. Rinse the plastic thoroughly with water after cleaning to remove any residue.

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Soaked only has one syllable so it can't be divided.

What is another name for a rum soaked cAKE?

A rum-soaked cake is known as a "baba."