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We are in the process of doing jsut that. We are replacing the liner and bottom of pool. We have the vermiculite bottom. We filled in the deep end of pool, due to water shortages, and are now trying to decide which liner to buy. I don't know anything about the sand bottoms but our bottom fell apart when we took the liner out. Hope this helps

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16y ago
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17y ago

If it's not ripped, there should be a white platic strip at the rdge of the liner. This strip bimply pops in around the edge of your pool. Make sure to vaccuum out any air! They are expensive to replace...

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12y ago

Vinyl liner patch kit are available at pool dealers and at stores like Walmart. They usually consist of some clear vinyl and some liquid glue. The best thing is to use vinyl that matches your pool liner. I always save scraps when new liner is installed. First trim the patch to cover the hole. A round or oval patch works best since there are no corners to peel off. Next clean the place to be patched. Then cover the back of the patch with glue. If the tear is under water fold the patch together with the glue on the inside. Next open the patch and place it over the tear and press the air out starting from the center working outward. If the tear is deep under water you may need to find a diver.

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17y ago

we just did it. remove the top lip and pour boiling water over the liner to soften then pull it back up into its proper place and replace the lip. done

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17y ago

Pool supply stores carry patch kits that you can place on the liner underwater. They are cheap and work pretty good

hope this helps!

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16y ago

That depends on what is wrong with it. If the missing liner is the problem sort out who the manufacturer is and get a new one.

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17y ago

liner lock

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Q: How do you fix a vinyl pool that has no liner?
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How can you fix a detached vinyl liner from its spot?

To fix a detached vinyl liner from its spot on an above ground pool, the water will have to be drained from the pool. Then, a marine patch can be placed on the area to re-attach the vinyl to the place where it came apart. Allow this to dry thoroughly before refilling the pool.

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High concentrations of chlorine can and will destroy a vinyl liner.

Can you patch the corners of a 20ft - 30ft inground vinyl pool liner that has big rips?

No. Replace the liner.

What thickness of vinyl pool liner is recommended for a 36 foot pool?

28 or 30 mil

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One of the biggest fears that most pool owners have when it comes to their vinyl pool liner is discovering a rip or a tear in it. The fortunate thing about holes in vinyl liners is that they are very easy to repair.

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How are you planning on making the pool water tight? If you want to use a Vinyl Liner, you should consult the dealer you are planning on ordering the liner from. A lot of Vinyl Liner manufactures will not make a liner for that pool.

Is rust underneath a patch in a vinyl pool liner cause for concern for an in-ground pool?

is the patch on the side wall? most likely the wall is rusting.. not a HUGE concern but when and if u have the liner replaced i would deff have it looked at... not usually a hard to fix problem