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yes they do, but they have an oil under their feathers which keeps them warm and also blubber (fat) which also keeps them warm.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

They don't.

Penguins breathe with lungs. When they dive they simply hold their breath.

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Q: How do penguins breathe in water for a long time?
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Can penguins breath under water?

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What organism can hold it's breathe for a long time?

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Does penguins lives in water?

Penguins live on land but spend a lot of time in the water. Some species can stay underwater for many minutes.

How do penguins breathe in and out of water?

Penguins are able to hold their breath while swimming underwater by closing their nostrils and using their lungs to exchange oxygen. They can stay submerged for several minutes before resurfacing to breathe. Additionally, penguins have a high concentration of myoglobin in their muscles, which helps store oxygen and aids in their ability to stay underwater for extended periods of time.

Why don't penguins have gills?

Penguins are birds and are adapted to live in water and on land. They have lungs for breathing air, like other birds. Gills are specialized organs found in fish and some other aquatic animals that allow them to extract oxygen from water. Penguins have evolved to breathe air efficiently despite spending a lot of time in the water.

How do mammels breathe?

Most of them can hold their breath for quite a long time, so they just come up above the water to breathe.

How do porpoise breath under water?

They do not breathe under water, they just hold their breath for long periods of time.

How do penguins get oxygen?

Penguins get oxygen by breathing air through their lungs. They come to the surface of the water to breathe, much like other birds. Penguins have adaptations that allow them to stay underwater for a longer time while diving for food.

What is the frogs fitness for life in water?

Frogs can breathe through their skin, which allows them to breathe underwater for long periods of time. They also have lungs, allowing them to perform strenuous activities in water.

What are tobogganing penguins?

Penguins that can mimic the action of tobogganing are called Emperor Penguins. They can lay on their stomachs and slide for a long time as long as they are on a downslope.

How does the whirligig beetle breathe?

The Whirligig beetle breathes through gills under the water. They live in the water for long periods of time.