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The water will level itself so you can live with it if you would like. Otherwise, emptying the pool and setting it up again sounds like what you have to do.

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Q: How can you level a pool that has water in it already?
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Can sand be used to level pool?

It already is used as pool sand!

I live in Memphis Tn and I would like to know if you think my pool has a leak or is this normal evaporation My pool is 10 x 32 by 4 feet deep is this normal or do I have a leak?

A good way to see if you have a leak in your pool is to # take a bucket and fill it with water from your pool. # mark it at the water level. # mark the pool at the water level. # wait a few days if there is no leak in the pool then the water level in the bucket should have reduced by the same amount as the water level in the pool, however if the water level in the pool has gone down more then the water level in the bucket you have a leak in the pool or in the pipes around the pool.

What is the purpose of balancing tank in reflection pool?

If you have a deck level pool or spa (water level with the top of the pool, that usually overflows into a grating around the pool) when people get into the pool their body displaces water, this water is stored in the Balance tank until the people get out and the water is pumped out of the balance tank and back into the pool. A skimmer pool that has a lower water level than the top of the pool does not need a balance tank as the displacement is handled by the water level rising. Deck level pools and spas are considered more aesthetically pleasing.

Should I shock my pool water since we just had a rainy day even though my chlorine level is already high?

If the water is staying clear there is no reason to shock it.

My fiberglass pool has lost about 2 feet of water since I put the cover on it. What could be the problem?

Check to see if there is a leak in it. You can do this by taking the cover of the pool and marking the water level, then take a bucket of water mark the level on it. place the bucket next to the pool and leave it there for a few days. if the level in the pool drops the same as the level in the bucket then the reduction of water is the result of evaporation. however if the level in the pool drops more then the level in the bucket you are loosing water somewhere.

Pool water level regulator?

You did not ask a question so we don't know how to answer. Please ask a question about the pool water level regulator

How can you tell if your water level dropping is normal or a leak?

Fill a bucket with water, then mark the water level on the bucket with a waterproof marker. Set the bucket next to the pool. Next, mark the water level of the pool. After a couple of days, check the marks on the bucket and the pool. They should measure the same (having lost the same amount of water due to evaporation). If the pool level has dropped more than the level of water in the bucket, you have a leak somewhere. (By the way, make sure your dog hasn't drank out of the bucket, or pool!)

Will it damage the pool pump or filter to let the water level drop?

So long as there is water coming through the pump when it is running it doesnt matter what the water level in the pool is.

When the anchor is thrown into the water will the water level in the pool drop or rise?

The anchor displaces water and the water level will rise.

How do you completely drain an above ground swimming pool when it has already been closed down and disconnected?

siphon the water out with a hose. You can even get a siphon going with a pool vac hose. Just get the whole hose full of water in the pool, keep one end of it submerged in the pool put yous hand over the other end so no air can get into it lift it over the edge of the pool and when it is below water level let go. the water will just pour out until there is no more water in the pool.

How many gallons of water should a swimming pool lose daily?

That all depends on the size of the surface of the pool the amount of people going in and out of the pool etc. To see if a pool is leaking take a bucket of water out of the pool, mark the water level of the pool and the water level in the bucket. Then leave the pool and bucket alone for a day or two. if the water level in the pool has gone down more then the water level in the bucket then there is a leak or water is being removed in some way. If the levels are the same then the water lost is a result evaporation.

Should I try to repair leaks in an above-ground swimming pool myself?

If you want to know if your pool leaks. # Take a bucket of water from the pool. # mark the water level of the pool. # mark the water level in the bucket. # check to see how much the water has gone down after a couple of days in the pool and n the bucket. # If the level in the bucket is closer to the mark then the level in the pool there is water being lost some where. If there is no difference then there is no leak. The surface water on the bucket evaporates at the same rate as that on the pool, so the should stay the same.