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Some mix aspirin and water together and allow to dissolve. Then add to hair, wait 20 min and rinse. Follow with shampooing and conditioning. Others have said to use Tomato Juice, leave in for 5 min and rinse I used regular shampoo with baking soda mixed in, add to DRY helped a lot!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Drain the water. Clean well with clorox. Refill and use a small amount of pool shock (Walmart) on a regular basis. You also buy the chlorine tablets and put them in a tube sock. Tie it to the side of the pool keep at least one tab in it at all times. Try it. It works.

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Q: Home remedies for green hair from swimming pool?
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To treat your dry hair after a recent vacation, try using a hot oil treatment. You can get this done at a salon, or at home. If you would like to read more about how to treat dry hair you can go to

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Try home remedies for this, such as rinsing your hair in cold water or taking plain yogurt and using it as a conditioner for your hair. There are lots of things you can do to avoid having the dry hair that we all hate to have in the hot months.

How long does green hair last from swimming in a pool?

Hair bleaches in the pool not because of the chlorine, but because of the metals and copper in the water. If the pool has a high concentration of metals and copper, then yes, it will appear or turn a faint green.

How do you get green out of a child's hair from swimming pool?

the chlorine make blond hair turn green. if you use chlorine shampoo it should get it out.

Do you shock the pool again to prevent green hair?

No; green hair is caused by copper pipes. Just rinse your hair in water that has not gone through the pool plumbing after swimming.

How do you make your hair grow faster home remedies?

Wash it wrap it and take care of it

Why does your hair turn green when I go Swimming?

No.cause the chlorine well mess up ur hair

What are some successful home remedies that promote hair growth?

Hair fall is one of the most common problems globally. It is either due to physical or emotional stress or sometimes both. Some of the common problems are itchy scalp, dandruff, air pollution etc. Yes, home remedies to thicken hair and reduce hair loss actually work. Here are some home remedies to reduce hair fall - Methi seed paste Aloe vera Coconut milk Egg mask Lemon juice Onion juice Amla To know the details, visit LivAyur site.

Can aspirin fix green hair?

If it is a green tint from a swimming pool then yes it does help - DO NOT EAT IT! Let about 6-8 tablets dissolve in water then wash your hair with it.

Does swimming in chlorine lighten blond hair?

Nope it turns it green. Trust me im brunette but I've got a blonde friend and she says her hair gets tinted green

Will sun-in turn your hair green when you swim?

If you suffer from 'green hair' after swimming, there are special shampoos you can buy to prevent this ROM happening. Always wash hair and shower after using a swimming pool, as they are full of chemicals.