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Call a vet immediately. She may have water in her lungs that could still kill her.

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Q: Dog ingested swimming pool water now vomiting what should you do for her?
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below is a MSDS on mineral oil if ingested IF INGESTED: Do NOT induce vomiting because of aspiration hazard. If victim is conscious,give 1 to 3 glasses of water or milk and contact physician or Poison Control Center. May act as laxative. i checked over on the MSDS for synthetic oil and the consensus of it is harmful if ingested. so i would have to say YES A mixture of mineral oil containing synthetic oil is harmful if ingested. do not induce vomiting, drink 2 glasses of water, and getting medical attention is required if you do. Shane J below is a MSDS on mineral oil if ingested IF INGESTED: Do NOT induce vomiting because of aspiration hazard. If victim is conscious,give 1 to 3 glasses of water or milk and contact physician or Poison Control Center. May act as laxative. i checked over on the MSDS for synthetic oil and the consensus of it is harmful if ingested. so i would have to say YES A mixture of mineral oil containing synthetic oil is harmful if ingested. do not induce vomiting, drink 2 glasses of water, and getting medical attention is required if you do. Shane J

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if ingested, enough fluid (milk, water, juice) will cause vomiting. or just stick your fingers down your trout

Could swallowing salt water from a swimming pool cause vomiting?

it depends how much you if you drank a gallon of salt water, yes you would puke your guts out

What first aid should you give if a person is drowning?

First, pull them out of the water; then clear the air passages of the water that they ingested.

How long after vomiting can you drink water?

uh anytime you want. when you vomit, unless you drink salt water before, you lose all of your water. you can drink it anytime after vomiting, why couldn't you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually, if you vomit, you SHOULD drink water, and a good bit of it. Obviously don't drink so much that you end up vomiting again, but diarrhea and vomiting are the 2 situations where dehydration becomes lethal. I'd suggest to keep sipping water (no big gulps, it'll upset both your esophagus and stomach) until you feel comfortable in your stomach region. Any chronic vomiting or uncontrollable/constant vomiting should be analyzed by a doctor, and not searched on the internet. >_<

Should you drink water when your vomiting?

While vomiting it might be helpful to drink a glass of water but I think is better not to drink water because it may cause you to make you vomit even worse so It would be better not to drink water

Is hand sanitizer poisonous if it is licked from the fingers?

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What should the Chemical test of swimming pool Water?

Not a complete question

If the dog swallowed something and is acting weird and vomiting what should I do?

offer it water and take it to the vet!!

Is the water in a swimming pool a mixture or compound?

Water in a swimming pool is compound because the water and chlorine have been chemically combined.