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Q: Does the toilet souage lead to the sea?
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How do you spell souage?

The spelling souage is a French term meaning stores. The word sought may be: sewage - toilet and other wastes sewerage - term referring to sewers or sewage swage - to bend or shape cold metal

Is it true that when you flush your toilet it shoots into the air 7ft?

No, when the toilet flushs, it sucks everything in. It will then be calmly lead into the sea. Not shooted. In any way. Where the f*ck did you hear that anyway?

Where do the pipes lead?

to your toilet

Did invention of the toilet or commode lead to any other invention?

toilet paper

What other invention did it lead to?


Where do toilet drains lead to?

the ocean. All drains lead to the ocean

Does Jessica Watson's boat have a toilet on board?

No of course not the boat was tiny.When she has to go to the toilet she has to go in the sea ewww right

Where does the Nile lead to?

The Mediterranean sea

What sea does the English channel lead into?

The North Sea.

Does the toilet flange go on the inside or outside of soil pipe?

Toilet flanges OUTSIDE of the pipe including cast iron and brass to lead

Where are lead screws used?

On the toilet and the back seat of a car... Hope this helps.............

What sea does the English Channel lead northward into?

The North Sea.